Knowhow-Now Article

Web Design: Make An Interesting And Engaging Website

The Internet is growing more and more with each passing day. There are websites out there for just about everything. You can shop, research, get entertained or simply communicate online. There are no limits to what can be done on the World Wide Web. Many people have their own websites and for many different reasons. Millions upon millions of people are online every day, and with the abundance of websites, you have to make your website stand out if you want others to pay any attention to it. No matter why you want to design a web site, you want visitors to stay and then eventually return. The following article shares tips on what you can do to make your website one that is engaging and interesting.

The very first thing you should do is learn who your audience is. When you know this you can much better direct your web design efforts. Who would be interested in your site? How old are they? Where are they from? What other websites do they visit? What time of day are they online? What hobbies do they enjoy? The more you can learn about your audience, the better you will be able to reach them and design a site that they will enjoy, share and return to.

Tip: Titles which are descriptive and full of keywords are great to use. Take a couple of minutes and search "untitled document" on the Internet.

Next, you need to be sure that your web site is cleanly designed and that navigation is simple. When someone comes to your site, you do not want them to be overwhelmed. It is important for your visitors to be able to find exactly what they are looking for and to not be overwhelmed. If the design is too busy, some visitors will be too overwhelmed and will not stick around. If it is not easy to navigate and find their way around, visitors will end up frustrated and again, leave and not return.

With the technology advancing each day, you want to integrate this into your website. Internet surfers are used to the most advanced technology and offering this shows them you appreciate them. Add interactive technology into your site, such as videos.

Tip: Speak with people you know just to see if you missed something when you learned things like Dreamweaver, Photoshop or HTML. It's a good thing to know that you actually remember all that you were taught, because something you don't want is to be halfway through designing your site and then suddenly stumble over a lost fact or point.

While adding technology is fun and entertaining, some things should be kept to a minimum. Flashing graphics and sounds need to be used sparingly. These features take a long time to load, and with long load times, some visitors will simply click the big red x and be on their way.

At the end of the design process, you need to test out your website before publishing it. You may also want to ask a few people you trust to test it out, too. Chances are there will be a few glitches, and you want to work these out before allowing your visitors to experience them.

Designing websites can be a lot of fun. No matter if you do it for your personal use, as a hobby or a career, it is something that will always be in demand. If you want to create a site that you and others enjoy, use the tips shared in this article and create a useful and interesting website.

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