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The main aim of each web designer is to create an attractive, easily accessible and functional website that will sway the visitor to do something. Creating such a website requires good graphic design, easy and instinctive site navigation, logical site layout and good web copy. Some of the rules for web design:

Web Content

Content plays very important role. Appropriate content can make you to stand out of the crowd. Your content talks about your knowledge and affects your reputation. Grammatical error and spelling mistakes will instantly decrease your trustworthiness. Remember that people use the internet to find information. Whether you are selling your own product or recommending someone else’s products, you must provide valuable information to the visitor, unless you will provide them valuable information they will click away and find a website that gives them what they what they want.

Compatibility with different browser

There are more than hundred different browsers in use. You must design your website in such a way that it supports most widely used browsers. To make your site compatible with the different browsers you may not be able to use all the special effects that are available because they may not be supported in most browsers.

Most of the people do not bother to upgrade to the latest version of the browsers, even though it is for free. Most of the persons may not know how to upgrade their browser or have the attitude, “If it works, there is no need of upgraded version.”

Good web design requires your web pages to work in Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape, Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Safari at a minimum. Validating your HTML code will help but the final test is to view your website operates on different browsers and on different platforms.

Graphics and Photos

Web surfers are very eager & impatient and researches show that most people will click away if a webpage takes long time to load. Always try to optimize your photos and other graphic files to have as small as possible without affecting picture quality.

Use the ALT HTML tag so people with graphics turned off and those using hand held devices know what the picture is supposed to be.

Background Colors

Background Colors are very important as it affects the visitors a lot. If you use anything other than white behind text, be sure that the content written must be visible to the visitors, if it not visible to them they become frustrated and will close the site.

Multimedia is collection of flash movies, video clips, audio clips and background music. Always use streaming media because it decreases download time. Make sure the visitor can stop and start multimedia files; so that people have slow connection can ignore them. Avoid making the flashy sites.
The information placed in multimedia, always put that information in text as well, so that the visitor can get information from text or multimedia as per his wish. If a plug-in is needed to use the multimedia, always provide a link to it so the user can install it.

Site Navigation

Site navigation should be simple and spontaneous. Research has shown that if the visitor cannot access the information within three clicks, then he will leave the site. Your site should not contain the information at the end of the page. Accessing to the information should be easy. Every area of your website should be reachable within three clicks from anywhere else on the site. If you use anything other than simple text links, make sure to test your navigation in all the major browsers.


Links plays a major role in designing of the website. The links act as a road to take the visitor at the place for which he is looking. The links should be appropriate and not damaged. Periodically tests all site links to be certain that they are valid.

Good Web design is a combination of common sense and good planning. Your site should be attractive and easy to use and most importantly provide the user with the information or services they are looking for.
Author says that a good Web design is the main point of attraction of your website. If you want to grow your online business your website should have good design and navigation. If you want, you can also hire web designer from any Web Design Company for designing or redesigning of your website like

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