Knowhow-Now Article

Wedding Flowers

Other than the groom and the dress, the most important element to the bride is the wedding flowers! No other decoration says 'wedding' more than the flowers! They can be just in the wedding party's bouquets and buttoniers, and on the alter, or so much more.

TIP! It is a nice gesture providing wedding favors for everybody and depending on the size of your wedding and your allotted budget, there are some wallet friendly ideas out there. It can sometimes be more economical to purchase a gift that is high quality as opposed to many small things to fill a favor bag.


Wedding flowers can actually be the theme in every decoration, the church, the path out of the church, the reception hall, and on every table in the dining room. If the bride is very picky about having only her favorite flower, however, this proposition sounds pretty expensive! If money is no object, the elegance of having all roses or all gardenias for the wedding flowers that will be everywhere, would be superior! However, if money is an issue, the favorite flowers could be reserved for the bridal party alone, and then a mixture of other, less expensive flowers could be used for the remainder of the wedding flower arrangements and decorations.

TIP! To save money on your wedding photographer, consider hiring a student. Someone who is just learning the trade might charge you significantly less, or even provide services for free.


Another great wedding flower idea is to have one flower by each plate on the dining table. In a very elegant catered affair, with multiple courses, you could even have a different flower for each course with each plate. If one was absolutely filthy rich, there could even be a big bowl full of wedding flowers (for instance gardenias or roses) at the back of the church, or reception hall to be handed out by the flower girl to each female guest as they leave!

TIP! For your bridesmaids, make sure that you already know the gowns they will wear ahead of time before your ask them to join you on your big day. Many friendships can experience a severe strain by simple disagreement on a bridesmaid's gown.


Nothing says wedding like flowers! Unfortunately, for some reason, more people seem to be allergic to the environment these days and flowers have always been one of the primary irritants. For this reason, and also for the reason of keeping the wedding flowers forever, some people prefer to use silk flowers for their weddings. However, without the scent of the live wedding flowers, something will be lacking in the total wedding experience. Silk flowers may be just as pretty and colorful and may, in fact last forever but compared to live flowers, are not at all sensual. It is up to the individual which way they want to present their stunningly beautiful moment in time.

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