Knowhow-Now Article

School symbols are more than just colors and patterns. They are a symbol of pride and loyalty. They are the marks that distinguish one from another. They are the images that bring together the alumni and the current students.

This is why it is very important that your school logo design should reflect the true essence of your institute. The images, patterns and colors should be inspired by its environment and surroundings. This is the best way to make sure that your emblem is distinct from others.

Let’s have a look how we can create a design that is unique and attractive.

• What images should you use?

You are the best judge for the image that is most suitable for your school. For that, you can take inspiration from your environment and surroundings. Make a list for all the things that makes your school unique. You can list down the animals that are found in the vicinity or intricate patterns that represent the area. For example, if your country has royal linage, then you can use the coat of arms for inspiration. If the animal that is commonly found in the area is a lion, then illustrate a fierce lion in your brand mark. Here, you need to make sure that you use illustrations instead of pictures or photographs otherwise your emblem will look low quality and tacky. Encase the illustration in a circle or a shield. This will make it look compact and sophisticated.

• What colors should you use?

You need to make sure that your emblem looks attractive and powerful. For that, it is appropriate if you use bright and solid colors. You can use colors that are bright and authoritative like red, blue, and yellow and black. This will make your emblem look powerful and authoritative. You should just make sure that the colors of the image and the background complement each other. If you are using bright colors for the image, then make sure that the background is light so that the main focus of the emblem can be the image.

• What fonts are suitable?

Make sure that you use fonts that are straight and easily readable. The creativity and imagination should be left on the images while the text should be made to look professional and proficient. Here, you can use thick fonts or thin ones. If you want to make your monogram look sophisticated and intricate, then you should use thin fonts. If you want to give a powerful and authoritative touch to your old school logo, then you can use thick fonts.

In a nutshell, you should create your emblem to be distinct and creative. Every school or college has some unique features. Make sure that you use those elements in your brand mark so that it looks distinct and innovative.

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