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PSD to HTML conversion is one of the most used methods of web development. It is a common practice to adopt this technique as HTML codes add to the visibility of the website in the search engine results. These websites are also cross browser compatible which helps in increasing the traffic to the website. Some developers have switched to XHTML which is an advanced version of HTML. Another reason for the popularity of this method is the fact that HTML is the purest form of coding and HTML/XHTML websites are easily indexed by search engine crawlers. It also makes a website highly functionality and makes navigation easy.

The most vital factor in the PSD to HTML/XHTML conversion is with the process of coding. The quality of coding often decides the success of the website. When you design to HTML you must code your website using semantic coding techniques. In this all the elements in a PSD to XHTML website are well defined which makes it easy for search engine spiders to index them. Semantic codes do away with nested table which act as a barrier for the web spiders in indexing your website. They allow you to create elegant table less website with ease.

Clean coding techniques also ensure that your website would pass through W3C validation easily which is a must to ensure your website is market ready. W3C validation will help you in getting rid of errors in your code base. W3C validation acts as a quality check for your website and is one of the best ways of standardizing a website. Another important element of PSD to XHTML conversion is creating a dynamic CSS file. This lends uniformity to your website in terms of looks and feel. CSS file also separates the content from the design giving you much more flexibility with your website.

Quality coding also reduces the load time of a website which plays a pivotal role in its success. Professional developers keep the code base to the bare minimum which reduces the size of your individual web pages. A lighter webpage will render easily in a browser allowing access from dial-up and GPRS connections. This way you will be able to attract a lot of users who find in difficult in accessing graphic rich websites due to the speed of their network.

For high quality PSD to CSS/HTML conversion you need to hire skilled developers who have expertise in clean coding techniques. Don’t fall for unbelievable cheap offers from some firms as they usually use software and applications to code these PSD files which hurt your SEO score. Make sure you hire the services of a firm which hand codes your website using semantic coding techniques. There are a lot of web development companies around the world which offer PSD to HTML design services using standard design techniques. You can take a look at their portfolio and if you find it impressive you can hire their services.

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