Knowhow-Now Article

What To Do About Your Hair Loss?

If you are seeing the signs that you may be losing hair, don't panic. There are many remedies to hair loss that may help you. The following article will touch on a few of them.

1. Speak with your doctor at the earliest sign of hair loss. It's normal for you to lose up to 100 strands of hair per day, but if you are noticing large sections of loss in the shower or your hair brush, seek professional advice right away.

Tip: It is best to use an all natural shampoo that is composed of herbal extracts. These shampoos do not clog hair follicles, and they actually increase hair retention as well as still maintaining manageability.

2. Think about how you sleep. Humidity and heat at night will cause excess sweating, tangles and pull on strands. Also, consider investing in pillow cases and bedding made from kind to hair fabrics, like silk and satin. The less friction you have, the less hair loss you have. Remember to get good quantity and quality of sleep as well, so your body doesn't have to work so hard at basic system maintenance.

3. Trust your tresses to professionals. Do-it-yourself hair care products and procedures can be harsh on hair, and any type of abuse can lead to hair loss. Have your cutting, styling and coloring done at a salon and use the time to pick up valuable insider advice in hair care.

Tip: It is vital to instill quality nutrients into your diet on a daily basis. With each of your meals during the day, make sure that you get a healthy dose of vegetables.

4. Eat well and take a daily vitamin. Your hair needs nourishment just like the rest of your body. Eat foods rich in protein and vitamins, and be sure to include omega-3 and other healthy oils in your regular diet. Consider getting condition-specific with supplements that are good for your hair but use caution, as going overboard on vitamins E and A are associated with hair loss.

5. Rule out illness as a cause for hair loss. If you experience a sudden onset of significant hair loss, make sure there isn't an underlying medical condition causing it. Nails and hair follicles can give you early signs of sickness, even before you feel the effects of them, so analyze your situation completely.

Tip: There are some medications to help prevent further hair loss, but few of them have been shown to regrow any kind of hair. Be aware of claims that say you can regrow a full head of hair as they are typically lies and often indicate a product which can actually be dangerous.

6. Find healthy ways to get rid of stress. Unfortunately, stress takes a heavy toll on your entire body, including hair. If you suffer from a lot of stress, make a point of going to get a massage weekly or take up some form of meditation, like yoga. The less stress your body has to process, the more hair you will keep on your head.

7. Learn to love what you've got. Sometimes hair loss is genetic and there isn't much you can do about it. As difficult as it may be, accept the situation and make the best of it. You might try shaving all your hair if you can't stand the partiality of what's still on your head. Consider different methods of replacement that you may be a candidate for, or different ways of wearing your hair. A beard on a bald man can be a very distinctive and attractive look. Mix it up, take chances and make the best of what you've got.

Losing your hair can be devastating, but see what you can do about it and get solid advice. The more you know about prevention, care and cure, the more control you will have over hair loss.

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