Knowhow-Now Article

What To Do Before Your Sell Your Real Estate

If you want to sell property quickly, there are a few must-dos. Real estate will sell more quickly if the property has been prepared for the market. Additionally, a good real estate agent will research the market to determine a good price for your property and ensure that it is listed in the MLS. Once the property is prepared and on the market, buyers will be able to walk through and make an offer.

Preparing the property for sale generally means cleaning. Clear the knick-knacks from the shelves and uncover the counters. Depersonalize your house so that prospective buyers can imagine themselves setting up household within it. The pictures of your children on the walls are beautiful, but they need to be packed away to clear the walls.

Tip: If you are preparing to sell your home, rid your living space of as much clutter as possible. Potential buyers like to envision themselves living in a home in which they're interested.

If you smoke, stop smoking inside the house. If the walls are dingy, then repaint them white. Old and damaged carpets should be pulled from the floor whenever possible and any remaining furniture should be shining. Take the time to clean the windows to let the sun shine through and be sure that the house smells good.

A good real estate agent will help you to sell your home by pointing out problem areas. They are skilled at evaluating curb appeal and can help you to reconfigure your furniture arrangements in order to make your home appear more spacious. However, you will be responsible for doing the work yourself, so be prepared to roll your sleeves up and start cleaning.

Tip: Always keep track of information that might be useful to prospective buyers. You can help the buyer by constructing a list of any contractors who have worked on your home.

Selling real estate is market dependent. Once your home is ready to be viewed, your agent will do a market study. By evaluating what comparable homes in your area have sold for and factoring in special features which your home may have, an attractive sale price may be arrived at. You may have a different opinion from the real estate agent so be prepared for discussion.

The MLS listing should be submitted by your agent. This will populate a wide variety of real estate databases. Potential buyers will get a chance to preview your home before they arrive for a walk through. Your agent should take pictures of your home, but if you have photography skills you may want to consider submitting your own photos in addition to the ones that the agent takes.

Tip: A bidding war could really be just what you are looking for. If you set the price a little below average, potential buyers may just start to bid on it.

Customers shop for homes by location, square footage, number of bedrooms, and many other things. Attractive photos of your home will generate buyer interest and large numbers of photographs may place your home at the top of a potential buyer's queue. Make sure that your real estate agent has complete information about your home to increase the odds it will be returned in a database search.

Selling home is almost impossible if it isn't prepared before putting it onto the market. Most markets are flooded with affordable properties and buyers can afford to be selective. By taking the time to make sure your listing is attractive both online and in person, you will increase the odds of a quick sale.

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