Knowhow-Now Article

What's The Opposite Of Doubt?

The Law of Attraction teaches us that whatever you focus on, you will attract MORE of into your life--whether it's wanted or unwanted. To deliberately attract more of what you enjoy, you need do only three things:

Tip: Remember that personal development is beyond your physical self. Having more pride in how you carry yourself is extremely important, but your development ultimately hinges on a healthy relationship with yourself and the world around you.

Be very clear about what you want--write it down, find the precise words that describe your desire.
Become a vibrational match for what you want--speak only in the most positive way about your desire and remember the three phrases that will raise your vibration faster:
I am in the process of attracting...
The Universe is in the process of lining every thing up so I can attract...
I LOVE it when...
Allow the Law of Attraction to deliver! Just eliminate doubt and receive what you've asked for.
What we're not told, is how to eliminate doubt. Better yet, what's the opposite of doubt? CERTAINTY. Say that word out loud...C E R T A I N T Y.

How does it feel to have CERTAINTY?
Can you recall a time when you had CERTAINTY?
What did CERTAINTY look like or feel like?

Tip: Consult a hairdresser! There are several aspects of conveying the image you need to portray either in your home life or at work. All the fancy clothing in the world won't make up for a bad haircut or style.

Do you remember arriving at a state of 'knowing' that what you desired would be yours?
Do you recall thinking or saying, "I know it doesn't look that way right now, but I just KNOW this is going to happen?" That's CERTAINTY.

The good news is that the Law of Attraction doesn't wait for you to have complete certainty before it starts delivering what you want.

Tip: Exercise to improve your body, mood and life. Nothing lifts spirits and awakens minds better than a blood-pumping exercise regimen that also adds tremendous value to a healthy lifestyle.

It is waiting for you to have a little more belief than doubt--just 51% more belief for your desire will get things started. Once you 'allow' yourself to believe that it IS POSSIBLE to have your desire--that if it's possible for someone else to have this, then it is possible for ME to have it too--once you have tipped the scale so that your desire outweighs doubt, you'll begin to notice 'signpost' events that prove your desire is getting closer and closer.

Do you recognize signposts? A 'close-match' is a signpost. So is a 'taster' experience such as this one:

Tip: Acknowledge and evaluate the distance between your current status and your personal development goals. Personal development does not happen overnight, so it's best to make an honest assessment of how far you have to go to achieve your goals.

I've had a dream for my company, TeleClass International Services Inc., to bring the TeleClass Model into Corporations. The first signpost that this dream would be realized was a small contract we had with IBM to train 15 of their trainers. At the time, I thought my dream was in 'full production', however the next contract for Corporate TeleLeader Training arrived two years later. In the meantime, we attracted the perfect person to deliver the Corporate Training and we've had adequate time to train her in all aspects of this industry. Recently, the Corporate contracts have been flowing in at a steady rate as more corporations learn about TeleClasses and how this model can reduce their training costs. NOW my dream is being fulfilled.

Tip: Personal development means that you are the best you that you can be. Do not compare yourself to others as this only leads to one of two things; either you will become cocky and arrogant or depressed and down.

As you pay attention to those signposts, acknowledge them for the encouragement that they are intended to be and celebrate that you are one more step closer, your belief will grow into CERTAINTY.

Notice how much closer you are today, to being certain that a long-held dream will one day become true. Make CERTAINTY your goal--and the Law of Attraction may surprise you with an early gift.

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