Knowhow-Now Article

A number of factors can affect the cost of your home insurance, from the size, age, condition and type of property you own to any security systems you have installed to reduce the risk of break-ins and having to make subsequent insurance claims. Another factor that comparatively few people are aware of when it comes to lowering the amount they pay for home insurance is location, with some parts of the UK being significantly more expensive and cheaper than others, respectively.

It makes sense that insurers view properties located in areas with high crime rates as being at greater risk of claims for break-ins, theft and damage, and areas that are prone to natural disasters such as flooding or storms can also push up insurance premiums. Inner city areas can also be among the most expensive places to live, not only in terms of real estate prices themselves but also insurance coverage, especially London.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, homes in quieter and more remote areas tend to benefit from the cheapest insurance, such as the Mid Glamorgan in Wales, as break-ins are statistically less likely due to the reduced populations. Towns and villages with older populations are also generally viewed as being at lower risk, with older home owners typically benefiting from lower insurance premiums.

In England, the North/South divide evidently still exists when it comes to house prices as well as home insurance, with areas such as Yorkshire and Humber and the West Midlands offering lower rates to customers than people living in London, Essex and other southern regions. Some areas in Cumbria that have been affected by flooding in recent years can expect higher insurance prices compared to surrounding regions, although be aware taking steps to reduce a property's risk of flooding can lead to lower rates.

This doesn't mean you have to move house to get cheaper insurance though, especially as negotiating with your insurer could highlight areas in which savings can be made. Even if you live in areas that are traditionally expensive, such as Central London, you may be able to benefit from cheap home insurance if you can provide evidence to your insurer that you live in a Neighbourhood Watch area. You also shouldn't underestimate the savings that can be made by installing security systems and improving the structural integrity of properties, when it comes to lowering your risk and your insurance premiums as a result.

Fiona Roy writes for a digital marketing agency. This article has been commissioned by a client of said agency. This article is not designed to promote, but should be considered professional content.

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