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Initially, hacking did not have negative connotations. However, being a hacker has now turned into a taboo career, thanks to those who use hacking to steal, destroy and threaten security. For this reason, it seems as though ethical hacking doesn’t exist, but the Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) certification is a very real credential.

CEH certification is a computer certification that says the individual has shown proficiency in keeping networks secure and safe. This is not done by cleaning up a mess that a hacker already made, but someone certified as a CEH can prevent network security breaches before they even happen. Even though malicious hackers are felons in the U.S and pretty much everywhere else around the world, it’s an unfortunate realization that only ethical hackers can stop these dangerous, sinister hackers.

The CEH certification is aimed to equip ethical hackers with the tools and knowledge required to combat the evil hackers. Those people working in the Information Technology field can benefit from CEH certification because it effectively allows them to hack the hackers before the real dangerous hackers can do any damage. The principle behind the CEH certification is that it takes a hacker to know a hacker.

Many evil hackers who gave up their malicious ways can get the CEH certification. Prior to the CEH certification’s release to the public, many government and private agencies hired bad hackers who turned good to protect them from other bad hackers. This Certified Ethical Hacker credential takes it a step further, by showing that transformed evil hackers and others who have worked for it have signed a legal agreement to abide by a set of hacker ethics.

In addition to the legal agreements and ramifications, students have to have at least two years of job experience in the network security field to enroll in the CEH certification program. The reasoning for that is to help thin the pool of applicants, which could contain bad hackers and people who hack as a hobby. There are other ways that prospective students are screened out, too.

Once these students have earned the Certified Ethical Hacker credential, background checks and other sensitive information checks will be done to allow the job applicants to obtain security clearances. These special clearances can be required for those who want to work for government agencies or those agencies that have contracts with the federal government.

CEH certification will continue to grow in popularity as the years pass. It offers companies the safety and security they are looking for by providing ethical hackers with the knowledge and tools necessary to fight against the individuals who use malicious hacking techniques to compromise the safety of other networks. The companies who employ those with CEH certification are also protected legally from ethical hackers deciding to cause trouble, as the CEH students must sign an agreement that prohibits them from using malicious hacking abilities.

Bright, young individuals who are interested in the CEH certification should learn as much about computers as they can, while also maintaining a high standard of ethics. Illegal hacking is a serious federal crime in the US and in a lot of other countries. Hackers, such as the one who created the infamous Blaster Worm virus, cause monetary damages and give even good hackers everywhere a bad name.

CEH certification is sure to grow. It offers companies the safety and security by providing ethical hackers. In this way you too can fight against the malicious hacking techniques. Visit the site for more  information

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