Knowhow-Now Article

Why Is Digital TV Better Than Analog TV?

To believe this one should watch both of them and feel the difference on their own. The quality of picture and sound are of high quality which gives you ultimate excitement and satisfaction while watching your favorite programs. Digital TV compresses images which help to broadcast multiple channels at a same band width. Whereas Analog which is generally called as SDTV uses magnetic waves to transmit and display pictures and sound which has been traditionally used. The special features available in Digital TV is surround sound, crystal clear pictures, sharper pictures which is all requires for the latest evolution of television the High Definition Television.
Compared to the analog the SDTV is significant as it provides more channels from the same station. If you observe the analog broad casting you will find that it is a hassle the capacity to accommodate only a few stations. Where as with digital it contains more information than the analog.
If you already have an analog set and wish to upgrade it to a digital one its possible by using digital tuner decoder though it will display the high quality pictures as provided by the original digital sets. In today’s market you find digital quality sets are available and the best news is that their prices have decreased.
The cable providers always do not supply with digital cables which digital signals. As such cables do not meet the standards when a digital cable is connected to a digital TV it will receive only analog signal, thus eliminating the advantages of a digital television. A solution for this is the digital quality pictures provided by satellite service providers.
Digital TV is used for the latest innovation in entertainment the HDTV. Here you get to watch pictures in a wider screen with more clarity than in analog sets. The picture quality and the audio clarity are far better as compared with the analog.
If this revolution from analog to digital continues what about consumers who have analog system is a question which ponders the minds of many.
For this a transition period has been set up and that is through the year 2006. If necessity requires then that can be extended too.

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