Knowhow-Now Article

Builds up fast- If you are a start-up firm, you certainly can’t wait for months for your website to go live. With readily available modules and extensions, Joomla web development can help you get your website live and kicking in a short time span when compared with other web development technologies. Expert developers can design and deliver you a totally customized website well within your time frame. Joomla web development also supports multiple languages.

Provision for Ecommerce- If you run a chain of restaurants; you can add the facility of online reservation and scintillating menu display on your Joomla website. Publication start-up firms can invite their web visitors to subscribe for their journals via website. You can add a shopping cart and multiple payment gateways also. At the initial stage you may want to start up with basic and custom features which you can fine tune with the passing of time.

Unique branding- Joomla template development can render a unique feel and look to your website. In fact with Joomla web development you can have multiple templates for your site and surprise your web visitors with a new theme for every season. Say, you deal in confessionary. On the successful one month completion of your bakery you want to hold a special sale for your web visitors. You can get a custom template developed and go live quickly. You can also choose to switch between seasonal templates and a default template. This way you keep your customers engaged to your website.

Low web development cost- For start-up firms managing initial costs is quite a challenge. Joomla is an opensource web development platform, which essentially means that you don’t have to put up with the sunk cost of the hefty licensing fee. Outsourcing Joomla web development will further cut down costs.

Low maintenance cost- Joomla based websites have strong content management system (CMS). As you move on, you would want to add new features to your website in order to adjust to the changing business requirements. It is easy and quick to add/ delete/ edit content on your Joomla site. You may choose to hire an expert Joomla web developer who would maintain your site and make changes as per your requirements.

OpenXcell Technolabs is a prominent provider of Joomla Web Development services. To know more about the company and to view its web development portfolio visit,

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