Knowhow-Now Article

Indian Summer VacationIndia is a destination having a wide range of diversity. When it comes to touring this country, you are left with multiple options. You can see forts, museums, gardens, hills, mountains and the exotic wildlife. If you want to explore wildlife to its fullest, India is the right place.  This country boasts to have many national parks and wildlife sanctuaries. When you want to have an Indian tour, you have many areas wide open. It can be spiritual tourism, wildlife tourism or domestic tourism and many other.

When it comes to the land area, India is among the top seven nations of the world and nature has blessed this country with all forms of natural beauty. The climatic conditions of India are distinct. There are different types of geographical features in this country. When you want to go for the wildlife India tours, you must know that there are 1200 different species of birds in the country. Apart from this, there are many reptile species in the country along with 350 species of mammals. When it comes to the wildlife tour of India, different species of plants and amphibians have a role to play.

If you are an environmentalist or a wildlife lover, India is one of the exotic destinations for you. You will really learn beyond your imagination in this country if this is the area of your specialization. You can travel to multiple national parks and wildlife sanctuaries and really find the different world. After visiting the national parks of Rajasthan and Assam, you will really notice different types of jungle beauty. You will find difference between dry jungle and soft green forest. You will find oneness with nature and feel something different with the Indian tour.

Wildlife tour package

When it comes to wildlife Indian tour, it covers all aspects from eco tourism to jungle safari. Frankly speaking, there is much to explore and an environmentalists can really indulge himself in some of the exciting activities related to nature that he has never done before. When you tour the Himalayan region, you will find a natural habitat of wild animals. The general list of animals include wild buffalo, wild ass, panther, porcupine, rhinoceros with single horn, snow leopards and much more. You will be amazed to know that India consists of eighty percent of the single horned rhinoceros in world.

When it comes to having a glimpse of the tiger, summer season is the best. You can find this animal, on the verge of extinction, in many national parks and wildlife sanctuaries. Some of the famous destinations are Periyar wildlife sanctuary, Ranthambore national park, Kaziranga national park, Jim corbett national park, Bharatpur bird sanctuary and much more.

The government of the country is taking some effective measures to promote a secured wildlife tours in India. India has become a major destination of wildlife enthusiasts across world. If you really want to have a wildlife tour of the country, it is better to seek the advice of experts for a proper guidance.

Pranali Saxena has deep interest in writing informative articles on Travel and tourism India.Also given her words to a portal Wildlife Tours India where one can find info on India Wildlife Tours.

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