Knowhow-Now Article

Work From Home Or Home Based Business

When people look at home businesses they do not consider whether they are looking at working from home or a home based business. These are two different home business concepts and you need to know what separates them. You also have to know what can be part of each type of home business.

Work From Home

A lot of people assume that a home business is a work from home opportunity. This is not true as many home based businesses are not work at home opportunities. When you work from home you will have someone that you report to and work for.

Tip: If you are selling a product that you make, be absolutely sure that you know how much it is costing you to create, because you do not want to be losing money. A basic wholesale mark-up would be twice the price of your cost.

One of the most common work from home opportunities is freelancing. If you are completing the work then you are working from home and not running a home business. However, if you have other people who work for you then you are running a home business.

Work from home opportunities can become quite convoluted. A simple way of remembering what work from home is would be to consider whether what you are doing can be done without having to leave home. Answering surveys is a work from home opportunity, but it is not a home business because you are not producing the surveys.

Home Based Business

Tip: Even when you are working from home, you should take pride in your appearance. If you work at home, you may wish to work while in your jammies.

The home based business can overlap with work from home opportunities at times. This generally comes when you have a business that you do from home and does not require you to leave. However, there are a lot of home based businesses where you are not at home all day and have to leave.

If you are using your home as the head office of your business operation then you are running a home business. Home businesses will also be selling a skill, service or product to someone. This is where most people become confused between the home business and the work from home opportunity.

Some home based businesses that you can look at is the sale of products you have made yourself and a courier service. These are two very different businesses, but they have one thing in common. They are both based in the home and offering a service or product to clients.

Tip: Having a comfortable work space with the supplies you need is the first step to starting a home business. It may not seem important, but it's hard to work when you don't have the supplies you need and a comfortable space to work in.

When you run a home based business you will not have a boss. You will have clients that you have to answer to, but not a superior telling you when to work and what to do. This is what really separates the work from home opportunity from the home based business.

Which Should You Use?

You may be confused as to whether you should open a home based business or work from home. If you have a skill or product that you can sell then you can look at a home based business. However, if you want to work for someone from the comfort of your own home then you should look at work from home opportunities.

When you look at home businesses you have to know what separates home based businesses from work at home opportunities. Once you know the differences you will be able to determine which option is the best one for you. There are many people who want to work from home, but not run their own business.

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