Knowhow-Now Article

Cultivate Healthy Habits For Easy And Doable Protection Against Cancer

Study after study has proven that most types of cancer can be avoided by cultivating a healthy lifestyle. The added bonuses to this approach include looking and feeling your very best and enjoying your life to the fullest. In this article, we will discuss the habits you should avoid and those you should develop to avoid cancer. Read on to learn more.

Tip: Dealing with cancer can be hard for both the patient and their family. There is always hope.

It is common knowledge that smoking is the leading cause of cancer in the world today. In addition to lung cancer, smoking can cause cancer of the mouth, throat, stomach, liver and virtually any part of the body. If you are currently a smoker, you can eliminate your risk of developing cancer by as much as ninety percent by simply stopping smoking. Additionally, that figure goes for all the people and pets around you. Stopping smoking and avoiding exposure to tobacco smoke should be your number one priority if you want to avoid cancer.

Alcohol consumption also contributes greatly to your chances of developing cancer of the esophagus, throat and mouth. Smoking and drinking combined can double your chances of developing cancer.

Tip: Prepare yourself to deal with the changes that your body will go through, while dealing with cancer and the treatments for it. Your physician can give you a good heads up about the side effects that your drugs and treatment might instigate.

Get moving and get in shape. People who are obese and inactive have a fifty percent greater chance of developing cancer. Being overweight puts a strain on your heart and can contribute to your chances of developing breast cancer and cancer of the kidneys and pancreas. Participating in even light to moderate exercise for a few minutes every day can make a big difference.

Tip: Lower your odds of developing colon cancer by about 40 percent by being physically active. People who engage in regular exercise are much healthier and able to avoid diseases that increase the chances of developing cancer.

In addition to exercising, eating well can help you lose weight and avoid cancer. Following a healthy eating plan consisting of whole foods and plenty of pure, fresh filtered water boosts your immune system, helps you stay fit and helps you avoid cancer. Bright, colorful fresh fruits and veggies and whole grains are especially good for providing the body with cancer fighting lycopene, antioxidants and plenty of fiber to keep the digestive system strong and cancer free.

Tip: If you have cancer or know someone who does, be sure to read up on the subject. Your confidence is, in reality, very important in these circumstances.

Make it a point to get a good night's sleep every night to give your body a chance to rebuild and rejuvenate. Stress and lack of proper rest also contribute significantly to your chances of developing cancer. Be sure to avoid stressful situations as much as possible and learn to practice stress reduction and stress management techniques to help you cope when confronted unavoidably with stress.

Tip: What you think is going to happen, and what truly manifests, are often two different animals. Feel grateful for the support that others give you.

Be careful not to neglect proper medical care. Become aware of the medical history of your ancestors. Understand that having a close relative who has had cancer may increase your likelihood of developing cancer; however, you can mitigate this likelihood by taking good care of yourself. Visit your doctor regularly for annual checkups and perform self exams as directed.

Even though cancer is at near epidemic proportions in the United States, you can avoid it by developing excellent lifestyle habits. When you take care to eat, sleep and exercise regularly and well, avoid stressful situations and follow the advice of your physician, you can sharply reduce your risk of cancer. Follow the tips presented here to take control of your health and prevent cancer.

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