Knowhow-Now Article

Get More From Your Workout Regimen

Is there anything more gratifying than discovering you've dropped a dress size, garnered a compliment from a co-worker or reached your all-time lowest weight? The beauty of becoming more physically fit is unparalleled, and achieving it allows you to look and feel your best. If you are prepared to do whatever it takes to get there, then this article is for you.

When you are trying to become more physically fit, complacency is your enemy. By allowing your body to fall into a same-old, same-old routine, you are depriving yourself of the opportunity to continue growing and becoming stronger. If you find that your current regimen does not seem challenging anymore, it is time to increase the intensity or add in a newer, more complex element. If your routine incorporates free weights, for example, you can add five or 10 pounds to your sets. Remember, your goal is to challenge yourself -- not to overload.

Tip: To improve your golf putt, aim for a distance of about 17 inches beyond the hole. You want to do this because footprints will be absent from the 17-inch area surrounding the hole.

You already take it for granted that you must attend class or go to work according to a set daily schedule. Your view on exercising should reflect the same level of importance. For example, you know that there are consequences to showing up late to class (detention) and work (disciplinary action). What are the consequences of skipping your fitness routine? Try cardiovascular disease, obesity, low self-esteem and terribly tight pants.

One of the most common pitfalls of an intense workout is that residual soreness and exhaustion that follow. If you have taken on a workload that exceeds your body's ability and strength, you are more vulnerable to these hazards. As a result, you are also more likely to abandon your next workout. After that? You might be tempted to skip yet another session. It sounds harsh, but missing even a single workout routine may be enough to entirely derail your efforts. Ouch!

Tip: Purchase some exercise machinery of your own. It will help you stay committed to your fitness routine, and it ups the convenience factor greatly.

If it truly is a case of mind over matter, it is best to go into your fitness program with a positive mindset. If you spend the entire day moaning and groaning about your upcoming session, you will be more easily discouraged. Approaching it with a focus on the benefits and end results will make it considerably easier to stay motivated and on track to succeed.

Sometimes it is easier to stay motivated if you do so with a friend or fitness-minded partner. If you are like most people, you hate to disappoint others, much less yourself. Working out with another person also takes some of the loneliness out of the equation. Instead of just losing yourself in music from your iPod or staring at the television screen at the gym, you will be able to carry on a real conversation with another person. This makes the process immensely enjoyable, and you'll relish the opportunity to share in your victories!

Physical fitness is a worthy goal, one that will extend the length of your life while improving its quality. If you are going to make an effort to achieve your goals, why not take it to the max? Use the guidelines you've just read to get more from your existing routine, or perhaps even begin anew. Either way, you are sure to love the way you look and feel!

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