Nelanibeauty's articles
You have two options when buying an acoustic guitar. You can buy the traditional one, or you may choose to buy an electric acoustic guitar. What makes these two different? Well, with a traditional acoustic, you need to use a separate microphone to amplify the sound. (...)
06.12.2014 · From nelanibeauty
The satisfaction one feels after learning to play a musical instrument is indescribable. Take the example a person who just learned how to play the guitar. No words can describe how that person would feel when he shows others what he learned and plays music for them. (...)
23.11.2014 · From nelanibeauty
People who play musical instruments know how important it is to care for their pieces properly and maintain these the right way. Proper maintenance is crucial so only the best sound emanates from the instrument. (...)
15.11.2014 · From nelanibeauty
You can’t expect yourself to be a genius on guitar chords if you were just starting to learn how to play the acoustic guitar. Everyone who plays the guitar, even the famous ones like B.B. King, Eddie Van Halen, Jimi Hendrix, and Slash all had to start with basic,...
30.10.2014 · From nelanibeauty
One can learn many musical instruments, but when you learn to play acoustic guitar, it’s a completely different story. Something about the acoustic guitar makes it different from the rest. Perhaps that’s partly due to its versatility. (...)
27.10.2014 · From nelanibeauty
While it’s fun and enjoyable to learn how to play the acoustic guitar, it is not without its frustrating moments. Hearing the guitar play sounds out of tune is definitely one cause of frustration. (...)
25.10.2014 · From nelanibeauty
If there were one instrument that can perform better than drums or a piano, it would have to be the acoustic guitar. Indeed, no matter how grand a crescendo the drums can create and how melodiously sweet the music coming from a piano is, these don’t even come close...
21.10.2014 · From nelanibeauty
Some people buy a guitar before they even learn how to learn acoustic guitar tabs. Then, there are people who learn the tabs first and try to play these on “borrowed” instrument before they decide to buy one of their own. (...)
14.10.2014 · From nelanibeauty
In today's aesthetics-focused society, looking good is very important. However, life can throw you a curve ball in terms of stress, making you appear less healthy--and therefore less beautiful--than you would like to be. (...)
27.10.2013 · From nelanibeauty
As the environment becomes more and more jeopardized and the cost of energy skyrockets, may concerned people are turning to green energy to meet the energy requirements of their homes and business. (...)
27.10.2013 · From nelanibeauty
Green energy is becoming more and more popular and you can be a big part in helping out our planet. Recycling is one of the easiest and most fun ways to become green. The earth will thank you for it and you will feel like you made a difference. (...)
24.10.2013 · From nelanibeauty
Being a teenager is an awkward time, especially for teenage girls. It is easy to feel self-conscious about one's body, which is always changing, and it is hard to feel good about one's self. (...)
21.10.2013 · From nelanibeauty
There are people all over the world that make a living by telling others how to look good. While there is a lot of useful information out there, many times the information is the same from person to person. (...)
21.10.2013 · From nelanibeauty
When expertly applied, eye makeup can go a long way toward enhancing your appearance. With a little bit of effort, you can easily draw attention to your eyes. This article will provide you with some tips that will help you do just this! It is truly amazing how eye...
21.10.2013 · From nelanibeauty
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