Browse Articles By Tag: guy
Just because she’s said yes to a second date doesn’t mean your dating exclusively, so don’t jump the gun and declare that she’s yours. You might like her a lot and you’ve been waiting and searching a long time for someone as pretty, funny, smart and cool as...
04.11.2012 · From LindaBrown
Sex can be an important part of a relationship, and something that everyone (hopefully) looks forward to. But when is the right time to sleep with a woman? Here’s a hint – it’s not the first date. For some, the answer will be strictly after marriage. (...)
04.11.2012 · From LindaBrown
You’re on your first date and even though you’ve looked forward to this, and planned for it, you’re worried about making conversation and what to do when you run into one of those inevitable lulls. (...)
01.11.2012 · From LindaBrown
When you’re picturing your perfect date in your mind’s eye, who do you see? What’s her age? Is she younger than you? You might not want to rule out women who are older than you. Most women who are more than a couple of years older (currently referred to as...
01.11.2012 · From LindaBrown
There’s a lot of pressure associated with being single. You have friends who are married or in relationships, and the media is relentlessly showing you visions of people who have one date after another, with hardly a moment to breathe. (...)
01.11.2012 · From LindaBrown
In a dating relationship, especially when you’re still just getting to know each other, you have to play a bit of a cat and mouse game. Lots of people get upset when the word “game” is associated with dating. (...)
29.10.2012 · From LindaBrown
You’ve met a woman that you like, and it seems like she likes you, too. How are you going to keep in touch until it’s time to plan a date? The obvious way would be to ask for her phone number and/or email address so you can get in touch with her, but that may not...
25.10.2012 · From LindaBrown
Fixer-uppers are fine when you’re talking about a car, a house or a cottage up north. But when it comes to women, you do not want a fixer-upper! Female fixer-uppers come with problems that can’t be fixed with your tender loving care and money, so if you sense...
24.10.2012 · From LindaBrown
Finding the right women to date is going to take some effort on your part. Unless you’re unusually lucky, the chances of Mrs. Right showing up at your door are pretty slim. On the other hand, the chance of you finding Mrs. (...)
23.10.2012 · From LindaBrown
Things are going great on your date. You and she have had fun, great conversation and you like her a lot. Should you try to kiss her? The first date kiss is always a bit of a conundrum. Some say you should never try to get a kiss on the first date, and others say...
22.10.2012 · From LindaBrown
Flirting is both an art and a science. When done well, it’s fun and serves as a path to dating. Flirting is less about coming up with catchy lines and more about using words and body language paired with a sincere interest in the other person (the flirtee, if you...
22.10.2012 · From LindaBrown
Sometimes formally asking for a date seems sort of weird, even though you want to go out with her. It just seems like you’re back in school to have to walk up to a woman you like and say, “Would you like to go on a date with me?” It’s pretty stiff and seems...
19.10.2012 · From LindaBrown
Here’s a common problem that nice guys face: they think that because they’re the nice guy and not the bad boy (who seems to get all the girls), they have to buy their way into a girl’s heart. (...)
16.10.2012 · From LindaBrown
You’ve met someone you really like. You have common interests and you’re physically attracted to her. She’s nice, smart, has a decent job and seems to have herself together. What more could you ask? Or rather, what more should you ask? You should ask yourself...
16.10.2012 · From LindaBrown
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