Knowhow-Now Article

When it comes to overheads like electricity and gas, most businesses are understandably eager to lower their expenditure on these essential supplies. Making positive changes to the ways your company uses electricity and comparing different business electricity tariffs available could help you find the best options for your organisation.

Energy efficiency is now more important than ever, not only for reducing the amount you pay for electricity bills, but also for improving your company's 'green' credentials by demonstrating low carbon emissions and a commitment to good environmental practices. Having an energy audit or carrying out your own, independent investigation into the ways electricity is consumed around your business premises can be very useful for highlighting areas that need to be improved, which could involve replacing older devices with modern, energy saving equivalents. Even if this involves significant up-front investment, the money you save in the long term on your electricity bills could soon see these devices pay for themselves.

Reducing wasted electricity in your business not only involves replacing power-hungry electronics, but also training your employees in good energy saving practices. This can include making sure everyone knows to switch off lights if they are the last ones to leave a room, and to avoid setting air conditioners or heating systems at higher settings than are required. Installing automated timers to switch off lights, monitors and other devices after a certain period of inactivity could also save your business significantly in the long term.

Even if you've done everything you can think of to improve your energy efficiency, you may still feel you are paying more than you should be for your business electricity. Visiting your energy supplier's website could inform you about more suitable tariffs available for the size and type of business you run, especially if you haven't already upgraded from a standard residential electricity plan to a dedicated business electricity tariff, as these are tailor-made for the needs of commercial customers.

You should also compare other options available from different providers, as there can often be major price differences between the big suppliers, even for similar plans. Carrying out your own research online using price comparison websites is a good starting point, though larger businesses may wish to employ the services of impartial advisers, who may also be able to assist if you're thinking of negotiating for fixed price electricity tariffs and other money-saving solutions with your energy supplier.

Jesse Wallace writes for a digital marketing agency. This article has been commissioned by a client of said agency. This article is not designed to promote, but should be considered professional content.

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