Knowhow-Now Article

With the current climate, starting a small business can be a tough and financially straining time. The vast majority of small businesses report that the increase in energy costs has hindered their growth. The hardest hit businesses have been transport manufacturing and labour intensive industries, all of which rely heavily on gas and electricity.

Energy costs are affected by a range of factors, including economic growth, regulations, subsidies, the development of resources and, of course, taxes. But there are options available to ensure your business is not severely impacted by rising energy costs. Most businesses can save around 10-20% by making very small changes to the way they use energy in the workplace.

Firstly, energy monitors can be fitted to help you track how much gas and electricity you are using. This technology will also break your business energy use down to different periods of the day so you can work out your real-time energy consumption, and your average costs per hour, per kilowatt hours or your consumption compared to the previous day. This service is usually free and you could save as much as £1000 in the first year by being more energy efficient and reducing your carbon emissions. Furthermore, when you pay by direct debit, you can often save even more.

Many fixed rate contracts are on offer to help you work within your budget and secure your business' future finances. Most energy companies offer clear and helpful energy advice for free at all times. It is easy to get a quote either over the phone or online and you can use comparison websites to ensure you get the best deal.

All you need to do is ensure you are not still tied to a contract with your previous supplier, request a final meter reading and clear any outstanding balances. Many energy companies offer account switching facilities, much like when you open a new bank account, and they will transfer all of your details over from your previous account hassle free.

Another business energy saver to consider is ensuring your office premises are designed for optimum energy-use. It might sound simple, but ensuring your business is well insulated is imperative to keeping the heat from escaping through cracks and holes, especially in old buildings with high ceilings. Weather sealing your business can make a big difference to keeping your energy costs down in the winter.

Also, implement the simple habits you would carry out in your own home, such as ensuring no radiators are blocked so heat can circulate and switching off all equipment that's not in use. Similarly, practicing energy-efficient habits, such as turning off PCs at the end of a workday and installing eco-friendly light bulbs, can go a long way towards saving you money in the long-run.

The money that you save on energy costs can be put back into your business, helping your start-up thrive.

Sean Burke writes for a digital marketing agency. This article has been commissioned by a client of said agency. This article is not designed to promote, but should be considered professional content.

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