Knowhow-Now Article

Marketing for a product or a service, promoting it and instantly grabbing the attention of the target audience are just a matter of seconds for the businessmen and firms. Thanks to the text message services for that. Though there are wide varieties in the types of marketing through which reaching the customers of the products and services have proved to be fruitful, the effect and immediacy enjoyed through the SMS services is unmatchable on many grounds.

Before the use of the text messaging services, the firms and business houses were not sure of the usefulness of this medium. But once it was discovered that multiple SMS services are good at reaching a wide number of customers just in seconds and that too at the minimal cost, a huge number of marketing and advertising houses have diverted their attention to this means. Before this, the billboard, pamphlets, leaflets, newspaper ads, television ads, radio jingles and email ads only were considered as effective and available means of reaching the target audiences. However, telemarketing is also there in which the customers are approached through phone calls but in comparison to the SMS marketing, telemarketing too seems to lose the race.

The reason for text message marketing reaching such a popularity and huge response from the marketer and also from the customers is that no one needs to take any pain or invest much of his time for it. It is simply about sending messages to the targeted customers on the part of the marketers and simply pressing a button and reading the text by the customers. So, for both the sides it is very handy and time saving. Also, hardly any of the customers today is interested in sitting in front of the PC to check the advertising mails leaving behind other important tasks.

A mobile phone is like an inseparable partner of almost everybody today and hence, everybody gives an eye on the message he receives in his cell phone’s inbox. Also, the probability of a person missing an ad campaign in SMS marketing is equal to zero. This is because a person may miss out an ad in the TV, in the radio, the bill board or may not have time to check his e-mail; but this is not possible in case of the mobile phone. As a person carries his cell phone to wherever on earth he goes and stay connected through a network service, there can be no reason for him not to receive a text message sent to him on his phone number. Every person checks the message he receives in his inbox and throws a glance over it and that is just enough against the minimum investment made for the purpose of SMS marketing. So, this is one swift and easy marketing means through which you get adequate and fast return on your investment.

The responses received in marketing through multiple SMS is huge and immediate which have, thus, made text messaging the best means for the business houses to opt for.




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