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A Guide To Best Teeth Whitening Tips

Till recent years, the most commonly used method to get white teeth has been a trip to the dentist, who used the corrosive tooth bleach to give them whiter appearance. Over the time the bleach preparations have improved, but these are still very harsh on teeth. These days, there are many ways that can help you whiten your teeth, but most of these methods involve use of dangerous chemicals.

Best Teeth Whitening Methods

Tip: If you are getting braces, you should have your teeth whitened beforehand. Doing so can lead to a whiter smile and straighter teeth after they're removed.

If you use the natural products, it is possible to get the white teeth without any side-effects of chemicals. Brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day is the best teeth whitening method. Make sure to floss at the bedtime, and you can also use a gum massager to get under your gum flap. Buildup of plaque can discolor your teeth, hence you should try to prevent its formation by focusing on your teeth every day. Avoiding the plaque buildup is one of the best teeth whitening techniques.

Another one of the best teeth whitening method is to avoid drinking the water with added fluoride or using the fluoride toothpaste, as this can discolor your teeth. Many countries have banned the use of fluoride in their drinking water due to symptoms and diseases associated with it.

Tip: A simple trick for having whiter and brighter teeth is to consume liquids with a straw. The straw cuts down on contact with your teeth, so it prevents them from staining.

Avoiding coffee and tea is also one of the best teeth whitening methods as these can cause teeth staining. Even if you drink, make sure to rinse your mouth with plain water after you are done. Wine and sodas are also known to cause the teeth staining. Try to cut down on smoking as much as you can as it makes more difficult to keep your teeth white. Smoking is also a health hazard, and there are many reasons to quit.

Strawberries are also one of the best teeth whitening products, and they can be easily rubbed on the teeth or brushed on after being mashed up in a paste. Rinse after leaving for five minutes. Inside of orange peel is also one of the best teeth whitening natural product. You can either rub the inside of the peel on the teeth, or take the dried orange peel, and make paste along with ground bay leaves and brush it on.

Baking soda has been the best teeth whitening product so far, and you can mix it with the salt to make a cheap teeth whitening product at home. In addition to using these products, it is also essential to take healthy diet, avoid snacking, drinking plenty of water and rinsing your mouth thoroughly after each meal. Natural teeth whitening products are cheap, and quite effective. You can get a winning smile without spending a fortune, or hurting the tissues in your mouth.

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