Knowhow-Now Article

An Introduction To Laser Teeth Whitening

Before opting for laser teeth whitening it will pay to distinguish between using lasers and simply wishing to have your teeth whitened within an hour. Most people do not know the difference though there has been a glut of people searching for dentists that will be able to whiten their teeth. The main point of confusion is that many people confuse the branded systems of teeth whitening such as Zoom and Britesmile with laser teeth whitening.

Zoom And Britesmile

Tip: Avoid coffee or tea if your teeth are becoming discolored. You should try to lower the amount that you drink, but any quantity, even a small amount can cause some staining.

Though both Zoom and Britesmile actually can be categorized as light activated teeth whitening systems the truth of the fact is that neither is a true laser teeth whitening method. Still, both these systems provide excellent results and so are obviously very popular. At the same time, laser teeth whitening too have several notable advantages to it not least of which is that it will create a perfect set of teeth that will gleam with whiteness – and all this is achieved in minimum time.

A majority of home-teeth whitening systems take weeks before the results show up though when you use laser teeth whitening the results are immediately noticeable though there can be a difference in shades of whiteness achieved.

Tip: You will want to increase the amount of raw foods like fruits and vegetables into your diet. Highly processed food and junk food causes discoloration of the teeth and cavities.

You also need to look at how laser teeth whitening compares with conventional teeth whitening solutions with the latter requiring needing to wear customized mouth trays filled with bleaching gels. After about thirty minutes to as long as a few hours (even overnight) wearing of the mouth trays the results with this method only become apparent after between five and fourteen days. Furthermore, conventional home whitening treatments use carbamide peroxide that is the base ingredient and which acts rather slowly and so you need to apply it for longer periods of time so that it can effectively remove discoloration as well as stains.

Laser teeth whitening on the other hand makes use of hydrogen peroxide that is very reactive and when applied to your teeth and light beam is applied to the teeth will provide quicker and more effective results.

Tip: Use handmade strawberry paste to whiten your teeth. Strawberries are a great way to whiten your teeth.

The best laser teeth whitening needs to be performed by dental care professionals and because these means will allow for simultaneous teeth whitening on upper as well as lower teeth the treatment time will be reduced quite dramatically; most other laser teeth whitening treatments work on a per quadrant basis and so take longer.

Before going in for laser teeth whitening it is necessary that you find out more about laser teeth whitening costs because these can be quite high. It is quite usual for you to be charged between five hundred and one thousand dollars for your laser teeth whitening – and, sometimes even more.

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