Knowhow-Now Article

Wildlife tours in India provides an elaborate opportunity to travelling guests and vistitors who wish to enjoy the flora and fauna of the India besides its rich cultural and historical heritage and natural leisuer and resorts provoded by the immense diversity of the country. What a person gets on a wildlife adventure tours in India is the immensely rich and vareid wildlife preserved in various national park and sanctureis found expaneded at across the different parts of the country. The richess of wildlife can be estimated in India with the fact that it is home to about 7.6% of all mammal popualtion, 12.6% of avain, 6.2 % of reptiles and 6.0% of entire flowering species found on the Earth. The most of the wildlife reserves and sancturies found in India is result of efforts made by the Government of India and State Government in restoring the deteriroting wildlife situatution and have acted towarddeveloping creating sager zones for the wildlife thus they were teremd as the, ‘Protected Area.’ Elephant Safari, Indian WildlifeProtected area is a broader name and the terminology that is prominelty provided to the National Parks and Sanctuaries that generally are meant in order to protect the wild animal and their natural habitat from encroachers and hunters.




India's forest cover goes and spread beyond the tropical rainforest of the Andaman Islands, Western Ghats, and Northeast India to the coniferous forest of the Himalaya. As for strict and regular enforncement of the policies of the wildlife conservation and protection, the Indian government has foremd abou fifteen Biosphere Reserves of India. The biodiversity reserves in order to keep wildlife preserved in India are Achanakmar-Amarkantak, Agasthyamalai, Dibru Saikhowa, Dihang Dibang, Great Nicobar, Gulf of Mannar, Kachchh, Kangchenjunga, Manas, Nanda Devi, The Nilgiris, Nokrek, Pachmarhi, Simlipal and Sundarbans.




Among the various spots for wildlife adventure in India, the country’s first wildlife sanctuary was established at the end of ninteeth century as the Vedanthangal Bird Sanctuary in Tamilnadu. At the time of India’s Independence there were only a few National Parks and Sanctuaries were existign in India. According to a study that was completed in the year 1987, there were only 54 national parks in the country with an estimated coverage area of about 21,300 Sq.Km and 372 wildlife sanctuaries with an averarge area of 88,649 Sq.Km. Therefore, it estimated about 3.4% percent of entire area as to be under the category of protected area. However, on adventure wildlife tour of India one definitley would be surprise to look out that all the national parks and wildlife sancturies are not similar and alike as some of them are formed to protect the rare and endanngered species, the most promient ones under this category are the Gir National Park and sanctuary for the Asiatic ion, Kaziranga National Park for the Rhinoceros, Dachigam Sanctuary for the Kashmir stage, Keibul Lamjo to the Brow antlered deer and Velavadar National Park for Black buck and there are many more wildreserves for the specific utilities and causes. Thus wildlife sancturies in India offers the immnese opporntunity and spots to enjoy wildlife in India.



Sheetal Ahuja has deep interest in writing informative articles on Travel and tourism India. Also given her words to a portal for India Wildlife where one can find info on India Wildlife Tours.

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