Knowhow-Now Article

India is an exotic destination of wild life. If you really want to explore this area of nature, you must visit India. One of the reasons is diverse fauna and flora in the Indian sub continent. Because of number of parks and wildlife sanctuaries in India, this country is really a great destination for many wildlife lovers from across world.

The statistics of government of India

As per the statistics of government, number of wildlife sanctuaries in India is over 441 and there are 80 national parks at present in the country. There is diverse wildlife present in them. They contain 2000 bird species, 3500 mammal species, 15000 plant species and 30000 different species of insects. Because of such a diverse availability of species, enthusiasts of nature consider India as prime destination.

Some of the famous wildlife sanctuaries of India are

Kanha national park

Kanha national park is a tiger reserve. It is a famous wildlife sanctuary in India. It is located in the district of mandya in Madhya Pradesh. The area of the park is 1940 sq km. Because of mesmerizing diversity of wildlife in this sanctuary, Rudyard Kipling wrote the timeless classic “jungle book”. Tiger is a big attraction. Apart from this, this park also has seventy different species of trees, 300 bird species and 22 large mammal species. There is high tiger density in this region and this makes it a prime destination among lovers of wildlife.

Bandhavgarh wildlife sanctuary

This is a popular tiger reserve and famous for high density of tiger population. It is located in Umaria district of Indian state Madhya Pradesh. It spreads across Vindhya hill. The core area of the sanctuary is 105 sq km and buffer area is approximately 400 sq km. There are two factors responsible for making it a sough after wildlife sanctuary in India. One is the biodiversity and second being varied topography. This place is a homeland to 22 different mammal species, 250 different bird species and many other species of fauna. It is really an exotic place to visit and explore for an environmentalist.

Manas tiger reserve

It is one of the famous tiger reserves and is located in the Indian state of Assam. It shares the boundary with Bhutan hills and is located 176 km from Guwahati. Barpeta road is a town located 40 km from sanctuary. One of the beautiful rivers known as Manas flows through this sanctuary. There are 36 different reptile species and 55 species of mammals. The name itself suggests it is a tiger reserve with number of tigers over 100. Other animals in this place are leopards, capped langurs, golden cat, panther, gaur [also called Indian bison], water buffalo and many more.

Sunderbans national park

It is located in beautiful state of west Bengal and covers a massive area of 2608 sq km. It is largest mangrove forest delta in world. It is located near city of Kolkata and royal Bengal tiger is main attraction.

You can be a lover of nature and environmentalist. You can visit these sanctuaries and explore the beautiful things of nature and wildlife.

Smriti Oberoi has deep interest in writing informative articles on Travel and tourism India.Also given her words to a portal Wildlife Sanctuaries in India where one can find info on Wild Life Sanctuaries in India.

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