Knowhow-Now Article

Bladder Infection? You Can Ease The Pain With A Home Cure!

Bladder infections are no fun. Ordinary urine contains the waste products, fluid, and salts that are body needs to expel. When bacteria is found in the urine it can cause a bacterial infection in the urinary tract, pain, stiffening of the bladder, and could lead to bleeding. Urinary tract infections are miserable but can be helped by taking preventive measures and using some home cures.

If you have a sudden onset of bladder infection or cystitis, you should stop eating solid foods immediately. Drink water or coconut water for the next few days. If you do not have a fever you can add vegetable juices but be sure to dilute them half-and-half with water. If you have severe pain, try soaking in a hot tub, or placing a heating pad on your stomach. Treatments of hot and cold packs are a great way to relieve pain but stay warm when you are using cold packs.

Many people consume a glass of cranberry juice every day, some try watermelon juice and still others use water from steamed asparagus. Of course, drinking plenty of water will help you urinate more and hopefully rid the body of the infection. It is recommended that healthy adults drink at least 8-10 glasses of water with eight ounces of water in each glass. If you find drinking water is difficult for you, there are plenty of brands that offer sugar free, flavored water. It may help you get the water you need each day.

Another popular home cure or prevention of bladder infection is to eat a cup of yogurt each day. Yogurt can be found in flavored or unflavored servings and there are low fat or low carbohydrate varieties. Many have natural fruit and are tasty and help your digestive tract as well.

Preventing bladder infection may be easier than trying to treat it after it has occurred. Urinate often. You normally will if you are drinking the needed amount of water each day. Tea is a natural diuretic but try drinking decaffeinated tea instead of the regular type. When you go to the bathroom, wipe from front to back. This prevents bacteria from being transferred from the rectal area to the urethra, which connects to the bladder. Keep the area clean and take extra vitamin C. It won’t hurt you and may help you stay healthier in other ways too.

Some unusual methods of curing or preventing bladder infections are to drink barley tea. You also may try boiling three onions in five cups of water for twenty minutes. After the mixture cools, drink the mixture a couple of teaspoons or sips at a time. It is also recommended that you eat celery, cabbage, and garlic regularly.

You may also want to try drinking fresh onion juice, water drained from boiled parsley, pomegranate juice and a tea made from parsley, rosemary, and corn fibers. Changing your eating habits may decrease the possibility of getting a bladder infection. Eat an uncooked potato (no salt), more parsley, celery, and grapefruit.

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