Knowhow-Now Article

Say Goodbye To Stretch Marks With Natural Remedies 

Are stretch marks killing your dreams of wearing a two-piece lingerie? Don’t worry, you are not alone carrying those zebra stripes all up and down your belly. While stretch marks are a common cause of concern for most of us, there is good news. There are plenty of things you can do and apply these things to reduce the appearance of your stretch marks if not completely eradicate them. Plus, a couple of tips, if employed, will also help you in preventing these marks.

Take a look at the below mentioned natural tips and tricks to help you get rid of stretch marks:

1. Apply cucumber and lemon juice 

Cucumber, as we all know, does a fabulous job in providing cool, soothing effect on the skin, leaving the skin refreshed and calmer. Besides, the natural acidity found in lemon juice helps in reducing and healing scars to a greater extent. Therefore, a combination of cucumber and lemon juice is apt for healing and preventing stretch marks. You need to carefully mix lemon juice and cucumber in equal parts, and gently apply the mixture on your stretch marks till the mixture gets properly soaked up by the skin. Allow the mixture to be on the skin for at least 15 minutes, after which you can rinse off using warm water. 

2. Apricot mask 

Since apricots have excellent exfoliating tendencies, they are known to be incredibly effective in healing stretch marks. All you need to do is, take 2 to 3 apricots, cut them and fetch out the seeds. Then, crush the seeds into a paste and apply this paste on your stretch marks. Allow the paste to sit on the marks for at least 10 minutes. Thereafter, with the help of warm water, wash it off and repeat the process on a daily basis for a month to see noticeable results. 

3. Egg whites 

If you think eggs are beneficial only for those who fancy bulking their muscles, think again. Since eggs are power packed with proteins, they help immensely in keeping stretch marks at bay. Remove the white part of the egg, batter the egg white using a clean fork and then apply the egg white onto the affected areas. Allow the egg white to dry and then rinse it with warm water. 

Ensure that you don’t forget to keep the affected area moisturized. Repeat this process at least thrice a day for a week to see effective results. 

4. Drink plenty of water 

Keeping the skin hydrated is a significant step in reducing the appearance of stretch marks. Drink 8-10 glasses of water every day and the conspicuousness of stretch marks will disappear gradually. And, of course, along with maintaining the water levels, it is also imperative to consume a well-balanced diet in order to restore the lost elasticity of the skin. 

So drink enough water along with consuming healthy meals. 

5. White sugar 

White sugar contains essential fatty acids that help in getting rid of stretch marks. Besides, it also helps in increasing blood flow to all the affected parts of the skin. Irrefutably, white sugar does play a pivotal role in getting rid of stretch marks effectively. Take one tablespoon of sugar, add a few drops of lemon juice and almond oil. Now apply the mixture on the stretch marks and rub it for around 10-15 minutes. Rinse off the area with warm water. Repeat this process every month for best results. 

6. Aloe Vera leaves 

When you break an Aloe Vera leaf from the rest of the plant, you will receive a clear gel, which results when applied in healing of wounds. Apply this sticky gel on the stretch marks, and rinse off the area after two hours of application. Plus, since it also contains plant collagen, it helps in repairing the skin effectively. All in all, Aloe Vera helps in soothing and healing the skin, and is gentle to apply daily, if needed. 

7. Use a loofah 

Loofah is a well-known and widely used sponge made from gourds. Loofah is abrasive and helps in eradicating dead skin cells from the surface of the skin. It is a good idea to use a loofah in the shower by massaging the stretch marks every day. If you do it daily, you are likely to see positive results within a few months’ time. 


Perhaps, by now, you must have already noticed that eradicating stretch marks isn’t an overnight miracle. It certainly requires patience to see noticeable results, however, the wait is worth it. The mentioned natural remedies are sure to benefit you in preventing and healing stretch marks. So start implementing these tips right away!

More reading about stretch marks:

Reduce the appearance of your stretch marks

How to get rid of stretch marks fast

Top ten remedies to get rid of stretch marks fast

About The Author

Clair Roberts is presently working as a full time blogger. After spending 4 years in a Pharmaceutical company, she finally switched to blogging. Check her blog “”. Here you’ll find number of articles related to beauty and skin care such as “Do Stretch Marks Go Away Naturally?” Keep in touch with her on twitter @vairclair.

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