Knowhow-Now Article

Choose Positive Language And See Positive Change

The way we speak is a reflection of how we think about things. If you want to see positive change in life you should consider changing the way you speak to reflect the life you want to create. Here are some tips to help you get away from negative speech and negative thinking and open the door to a more positive way of living.

Tip: Exercise is not only for people wanting to lose weight. There are many reasons to exercise.

Don't say the first thing that comes into your head. This habit can make a lot of difference in the way you talk and the pace of your life. Often, we rush through conversations, trying desperately to make quick points as they pop into our head. However, you are capable of coming up with better ideas, often with just a few seconds of thought. Pausing, especially before answering questions from others, can give you those added seconds to fully form your thoughts and choose the perfect words to describe your ideas. So, slow down in conversation and you will find that the quality of your speech will become clearer automatically.

Tip: Everyone makes mistakes, especially when it comes to following a healthy diet. Don't obsess over the minor details of life all the time as stress is no better for you than a piece of chocolate is.

Don't put yourself down. It is easy to get in the habit of saying negative things about oneself. This is a major error in dealing with others as it sends the message that you don't think well of yourself, and that can lead to others forming bad impressions of you. Self-effacing humor needs to be a thing of the past. If you have identified flaws in yourself, don't broadcast them. Instead, get to work on changing those flaws. Do not accept them as some kind of fixed part of yourself. Most everything can be improved. When you find yourself about to say something negative about yourself, pause and ask your self inwardly, is that really true? Sometimes it won't be, because we can often take blame or say bad things about ourselves in an effort to make others feel better about themselves. For, instance, when someone at the office complains about how they didn't get anything done last weekend, it may seem natural to say, "Oh, I'm lazy on the weekends, too." We think this will make them feel better, but if you really do get things done on the weekends then you should not go along, to get along. Instead, tell them you know they have it in them to accomplish things if they make it a priority and then move on to another subject. So, never put guilt on yourself or take any unearned guilt from others. You will feel better and be more encouraging around others.

Tip: Focus on your internal qualities, not your external image. You don't need to wear the newest fashions or be the hottest.

Lastly, try to state things in a positive light whenever possible. We have the choice to look at things negatively or think of how the situation offers opportunity for positive change. If you can learn to do this, you will find answers instead of brick walls in life. It is not that bad things don't happen in life, it is all about working with what you have to make the best of it. Silver linings are created with this kind of positive thinking. So, the next time something bad happens, except it, think about what can be learned from it, and then find out if it in any way frees you up to proceed with something you've been trying to do. Directing your energy toward a positive goal will help you deal with an obstacle you encounter.

Now you should be able to see the power of using positive thinking, which is just the outward display of positive thinking, to live a happier and more productive life. Use these tips as often as possible to improve the quality of your conversations. Direct yourself away from negativity on onward towards the goals you want to accomplish in life by using the positive power of words.

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