Knowhow-Now Article

Communication is just as important to small businesses as it is to larger enterprises, and a range of options are available for small to medium sized companies that are upgrading their office premises or just starting out.

Internet Protocol (IP) services are among the most efficient business phone systems available today, and they can be utilised by companies of all sizes to connect employees as well as provide internet connectivity and access to information resources. IP services can also make it easier to access advanced tools such as conferencing facilities, auto attendant features and video calls, all of which help make your small business appear more professional.

Considering what your business needs from its phone system is an important part of planning your new office's communications infrastructure. If you're running a home office or small premises with less than five employees, you will not need the multiple lines of Private Branch Exchange (PBX) systems, and unless you're expecting heavy volumes of phone traffic, you might not find services such as call holding and call redirecting especially useful. However, it's always a good idea to plan with the future growth of your company in mind, and choosing a flexible telephone system that can be expanded periodically can be more cost-effective than replacing a more limited system when you outgrow it.

When comparing business telephone systems from different providers, you should look for more than just the price, as some packages may not be as comprehensive as others. Some providers offer business phone packages tailored to the needs of start-ups and emerging companies, bundling features such as 0800 numbers in with the service, which could add value to your business and greatly boost the number of enquiries made to your office.

You will also be able to choose the type of handsets or other devices that you feel would best suit your business - whether employees would benefit from the freedom of a hands-free headset or if wireless handsets would improve convenience, reduce clutter and eliminate the need to install more physical connections in your workplace. Even if you're using VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) and other internet-based calling systems, you can still buy customised handsets to retain the traditional telephone experience.

You should also speak to your provider about cheap rates for international calls or calls to mobiles, if these are likely to be a big part of your business. Having a reliable business telephone system in place can reduce the need for costly business travel and lower your overheads.

Bruce Giles writes for a digital marketing agency. This article has been commissioned by a client of said agency. This article is not designed to promote, but should be considered professional content.

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