Knowhow-Now Article

If your business hasn't yet made the upgrade to fibre optic broadband, there are numerous reasons to consider installing these advanced broadband connections in your workplace - not only the high speeds that can be achieved.

The speed of fibre broadband is nevertheless one of its major selling points, and any business that has experienced slow page loading times, slow downloads or uploads during peak traffic times on standard broadband connections may consider switching to superfast broadband for this reason alone.

Fibre cables are capable of sending and receiving a significant amount of data compared to the copper cables used for regular broadband networks, and this means that most users won't experience any delays in accessing the content they desire. Fibre optic broadband speeds in excess of 80 Mbps are currently available to 10 million people in the UK, and the scalability of this technology means its capabilities are constantly improving - with UK businesses set to experience speeds greater than 300 Mbps in 2013, according to one provider.

These high speeds are more than just a luxury, especially as the internet is constantly evolving to incorporate more advanced and sophisticated content than ever. Multimedia features such as streaming video are now present on many websites, and this can make accessing even basic websites a chore for users on slower connections. If your company has a strong online presence that you're keen to retain and to build on in the future, making sure your hardware is up to the tasks demanded of it can be crucial for staying ahead.

Fibre optic broadband rapidly evolved from an industry talking point to become the new standard in broadband connections, especially for businesses in which multiple employees need to rely on a fast and secure network at different times of the day. Choosing a business broadband connection with your fibre broadband upgrade will also ensure that you benefit from a dedicated server, so you won't have to share your server space with other users and risk things slowing down when more people are online, as well as gaining access to a number of tools and features included in business broadband packages.

If you've been holding out until fibre broadband entered the mainstream, you only have to look at the number of businesses that have already upgraded their old broadband networks for superfast connections to realise your company may be the one lagging behind.

Fiona Roy writes for a digital marketing agency. This article has been commissioned by a client of said agency. This article is not designed to promote, but should be considered professional content.

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