Knowhow-Now Article

Creating an industry leading business can be difficult. No matter the size of the company, there is one attribute that is common in all successful businesses – communication. Whether it’s internal or external, many daily tasks rely on teamwork and setting company goals.

Everyone needs to be pulling in the same direction; otherwise people may be working towards different goals. A misunderstanding could be costly and also wastes time. While holding a meeting with other team members face to face would be an ideal scenario, it’s often not possible. Time constraints and busy schedules make this unrealistic for many.

There are many alternatives that are quicker and don’t require you to move from your desk. Emails remain a favourite method of communicating. An email system is easy to set up on any computer, and holds the advantage of allowing you to see previous conversations. Another advantage is the ease of sharing content like documents or links. Instant messaging services have also become very popular as more and more people become familiar with the method.

However, a major disadvantage of both is the fact that it can be hard to interpret tone through them. This is why the telephone is the best system for improving communication. Using a telephone is often quicker than the previous two methods when someone is slow at typing, where conversations can drag on and more time is wasted. This can be a nuisance especially when a deadline is looming.

The technology has developed quickly which means a whole host of features other than simple one to one calls. Telephones are particularly useful if they have the ability to set up conference calls. Team meetings could be held, despite people being in different buildings or even geographic locations. This feature is great when different branches need to get in contact with each other. Advanced models can also include video screens, the next best thing to having a conversation face to face.

Also, many businesses need to contact customers or clients. Therefore it is worthwhile having a phone system so you can get the most out of your day. It works both ways too. Customers and clients can contact you. With a business telephone system, you may never miss another important call again as it can usually be transferred to your mobile. Callers can even be put on hold and listen to music while they wait.

Collaborating on projects becomes so much quicker and simpler. Communication is therefore key and a business telephone system could transform your daily tasks and help you become successful.

Dave MacKinder writes for a digital marketing agency. This article has been commissioned by a client of said agency. This article is not designed to promote, but should be considered professional content.

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