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Constipation; Cayenne And Other Home Remedies

Constipation is a miserable condition and common to many people. It means the bowel movements are small, hard, and difficult to pass. You may have few bowel movements or always have a feeling of never finishing the movement. There are many reasons for constipation including anxiety; stress, dehydration, injury and some medications will cause constipation.

There are many natural ways to help patients who suffer from constipation. Eating fruit and vegetables are recommended especially green leafy ones like lettuce and parsley.

One home cure especially recommended is the use of cayenne pepper. You can use the pepper on food or can be bought in capsule form. Cayenne pepper is a blood thinner and can help improve circulation. Cayenne tablets can be taken at each meal after you finish eating. This ingredient is said to help improve the digestive tract and the circulatory system, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and speeds healing.

You may feel a burning in the upper portion of your stomach after taking a cayenne capsule, which will disappear when your body becomes used to the pepper. Adding cayenne pepper to soups, salads, and other foods you like will also help. Once your constipation has been relieved, it will also help you stay regular.

There are many other wonderful and easy home remedies to ease constipation. For instance, eat a banana each day. It can help with constipation and help keep potassium levels even. An apple a day keeps the doctor away is what our grandmother’s told us. It can also help keep constipation away too!

Vegetables are key ingredients to regulating your colon and avoiding constipation pain. Green leafy vegetables are important to good digestive health. Parsley, lettuce, and cabbage included in a salad are a wonderful side dish with most meals. Red beets, and the liquid from boiled potatoes are also recommended. Tomatoes and tomato juice are thought to relieve constipation problems. Green cabbage is also recommended but remember that green cabbage can also cause gas. Do you like beets? One recommendation is to eat a cooked red beet every day.

There are a few home remedies that do not include vegetables or fruit. You can eat one half cup of sunflower seeds everyday. Try drinking two cups of warm water on an empty stomach each morning. Half a teaspoon of lemon juice and one teaspoon of olive oil can be added to that warm water for a little extra help.

Blanched thyme leaves in a cup of water with a little honey can help if you drink it each morning, and if you like honey, eat a little every day! Sounds like a sweet way to ease constipation. Eating whole wheat breads, bran, and even oatmeal each day will also help your problem.

Horseradish with your meals, dried figs and plums are great. If you are desperate, drink one half cup of water with one quarter teaspoon of Epsom Salts. Sounds terrible but those who use it swear it helps! Or, take two tablespoons of olive oil each morning before you eat.

One of the easiest and best ways to avoid constipation is to keep your body hydrated during the day. Drink water every day, a minimum of eight, eight ounce glasses of water will help. Flavored water can be bought at any local grocery store or other retail outlet if you don’t like the taste of plain water.

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