Knowhow-Now Article

Control Your Finances Or They Will Control You!

Most people these days have trouble keeping up with the high cost of living, stagnant wages and too much debt. But, if you plan well, you can enjoy life now, make necessary changes and plan for your future as well. Below are some tips and advice aimed at getting your finances under control, and avoid letting them control you.

Tip: The key to being successful is learning how to manage your money. Profits need to be protected and reinvested as capital in the business.

Budgeting is possibly the hardest, yet most important part of gaining financial control. However, once you get the hang of it, adhering to a reasonable budget becomes second nature. Just keep a budget journal of all your monthly expenses, and subtract them from your total monthly income. Add to your expenses a little for savings, some for an emergency account, and even fun things, like a vacation, or major purchase, such as a car or down payment on a home. The amount you have left over after subtracting expenses is yours to do with as you see fit. It's that easy. But, it's important to follow it, and don't overspend needlessly.

Tip: Never sell unless circumstances suggest it is wise. If a stock is earning good money, just let it stay as is.

Be sure to avoid impulse buying. That new pair of shoes may be enticing, but you may have a closet full of shoes at home. Leave the store, and think about the shoes for a couple of days. Chances are, you will forget all about them. The same applies to eating out, expensive groceries and toys for the kids. Buy only what you need, and keep the blinders on!

Tip: You should write down every penny you spend to find where you are blowing the most money. By writing it inside a notebook that can be closed, it might get forgotten because it's not in plain sight.

Set some attainable goals. Financial goals can be anything from saving for a new home to increasing your IRA contributions. Whatever your goals are, try to save some extra funds each month to put toward them. Keep your eyes on these goals, and your rewards will be worth the sacrifices.

Tip: Most products come with either 90-day or one-year limited warranties, and if a failure is likely to occur, it will probably do so within that time. Extended warranties are hugely profitable for the business, but not for you.

Build up a healthy emergency fund. You never know when you may need to pay for an unexpected medical bill, some pricey car repairs or a trip to visit an ailing relative. If you are not prepared, these expenses can wreak havoc on your budget. Set up an emergency savings account, and add to it monthly if you can. This way, unforseen problems won't break the bank.

Tip: In most cases, automobiles and homes represent an individual's most substantial purchases. The payments and the interest rates on these things are probably going to be a big part of how much you spend monthly.

A great way to become more financially responsible is to eliminate your debt. You may not be able to eliminate your mortgage, but those high balances on credit cards, car loans and other revolving credit can cost you a bundle in finance charges. So, put whatever you can toward becoming debt-free, and you will have more money to invest in worthy financial opportunities.

Tip: Instead of using credit cards that are almost maxed out, spread it between other cards. You will probably have lower interest payments this way.

Finally, be sure to invest in your future. Many people fail to save for their retirement years and suffer the grim consequences. Take advantage of your employer's 401k plans and possible matching. Put savings in interest-bearing accounts and save money wherever you can. You will thank yourself later.

If controlling personal finances were simple, everyone would do it. Remember, you are not alone on your journey toward financial independence. It takes sacrifice, planning and hard work. But, as you enjoy life now, and build your confidence for a good future, you will find that it is worth all the effort you put into it.

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