Knowhow-Now Article

Curing Snoring Through Natural Remedies

Snoring is one of the biggest complaints voiced by married couples. Snoring is a noisy breathing that occurs when the individual is asleep. Most snoring is caused by the relaxation of structures in the throat that then vibrate and make noise. Although most snoring is harmless to the one doing the snoring and that person often does not hear the noise amazingly; the one who suffers his the bed mate. It is possible to stop snoring with lifestyle changes such as losing weight, reducing the number of cigarettes smoked if the snorer is a smoker, reducing alcohol consumption if the individual drinks, or changing sleeping patterns. Most snorers are louder when they sleep on their back so the noise can usually be reduced if the individual is forced by pillow support to sleep on either side. Sleeping on their side keeps the airway open, which makes breathing easier. There are also over-the-counter nasal strips that have been used successfully to control snoring, the trouble with most of these is that they often fall off or the wearer does not like the feel of having them on their nose.

If the cause of snoring can be pinpointed you will have a better result when trying to stop the noise. Common physical ailments that contribute to snoring are nasal allergies, structural abnormalities such as nasal polyps or enlarged adenoids. Sometimes those who snore have sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is usually diagnosed by having the individual studied in a sleep lab. Sleep apnea tests in a sleep lab usually require 2 or more nights of sleeping over-night in the sleep lab where machines monitor your respiration, pulse, heart rate and record any lapses in breathing. The recordings monitors will also detect and record snoring, changes in breathing patterns. Typically individuals with sleep apnea tend to be overweight. Sleep apnea is more commonly found in males than females. Sleep apnea is linked with heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke.

Natural ways to control snoring include changing your sleep pattern, use pillows to keep your neck straight and comfortable and also to elevate your head. You can also elevate the head of your bed. Individuals who have nasal allergies can reduce occurrences of snoring by controlling their allergy symptoms. Avoid drinking or smoking before bedtime and limit your intake of alcohol and minimize your total cigarette usage. Certain medications such as antihistamines and sedatives can make you snore by aggravating your throat tissues. It is also important not to eat a heavy meal before bedtime and to avoid using dairy in the evening because dairy products increase mucus build-up on your throat, which can add to snoring.

Improving lifestyle habits like eating healthier, setting regular bedtimes, and getting adequate exercise can also lessen the occurrence of snoring by firming up nasal passages and helping to maintain weight.

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