Knowhow-Now Article

Dentist Strength Teeth Whitening Processes

One of the host critical elements to an individual’s smile is the whiteness of their teeth. Fortunately, if an individual is not satisfied with the brightness and whiteness of their smile they have the option of seeing a dentist for a teeth whitening treatment.

In addition, there are varying strengths and teeth whitening procedures that can occur. Therefore, if an individual is considering having their teeth whitened by a professional dentist, it is important to know what teeth whitening is and the various dentist strength teeth whitening procedures that can be taken advantage of.

What Is Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening is the cosmetic process that utilizes a powerful agent which, when applied, helps to bleach out the stains that appear on an individual’s teeth. One specific bleaching agent that is used is carbamide peroxide.

Tip: Rinse you mouth with water after you drink or eat anything. Taking a moment to do this will remove food particles before they can stain and thus help keep your teeth white.

This carbamide peroxide can be utilized in different percentage strengths with the higher the percentage of hydrogen peroxide in the gel, the greater the strength of the whitening agent. Generally, the hydrogen peroxide ratio within the cleansing agent can run anywhere from 9 to 40%.

Sometimes these stains can be due to the drinking of coffee, the eating of various foods, cigarette smoking, taking of medications, the aging process, etc. Additionally, stains on teeth can be due to trauma. When this occurs, the tooth may become cracked which allows for the enamel of the tooth to become susceptible to various types of stains as well as minuscule amounts of debris.

Various Dentist Strength Teeth Whitening Processes

Generally, when an individual visits a teeth whitening dentist, they can take advantage of the dentist strength teeth whitening process. This dentist strength teeth whitening process usually incorporates a bleaching agent which is comprised of a specific percentage of hydrogen peroxide.

Tip: Stay away from cigars and cigarettes. Both, cigars and cigarettes, are known for having lasting negative effects on the surface of the teeth.

Additionally, this dentist strength teeth whitening process is very exact as the dentist generally knows how to ensure that just the teeth, and not the gums, are treated. This particular dentist strength teeth whitening process provides the specific attention to the teeth and ensures that the teeth whitening is even for all teeth despite the uniqueness of the individual’s dental alignment.

In addition, another dentist strength teeth whitening process that adds to the effectiveness of the treatment is through the use of a laser. This laser dentist strength teeth whitening process does not actually whiten the teeth, but helps to invigorate the cleansing agent that has been applied to the individual’s teeth. This combination helps to strengthen the cleansing process.

Also, it is important to select a reputable dentist. Therefore, it is important for the potential customer to undertake a dentist teeth whitening review to determine what dentists are reputable and have a good to excellent customer satisfaction rating. This can generally be accomplished by going online and doing a Google search of the dentist or by talking to friends and family who may have utilized this dentist’s services.

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