Knowhow-Now Article

Disgusting Dandruff! Is There A Natural Cure?

Shedding skin cells is a natural phenomenon and especially true on the top of your head. Your skin cells on the scalp renew every month. The dead cells that fall off are called dandruff. Everyone has dandruff. It can be itchy, embarrassing, and persistent. You may have dandruff that displays itself with oily scales or a dry scalp with white flakes that itch.

Dandruff is often embarrassing in a social situation when white flakes of dandruff show up on a beautiful black dress or dark business suit. Dandruff often causes self-esteem problems and excessive flaking can affect every person in the world. Even babies often experience flaking, which is commonly called “cradle cap.” Dandruff can cause hair loss in both males and females.

A more severe form of dandruff is seborrheic dermatitis. This condition can affect other parts of your body that have oil glands. This problem can be found behind your ears, alongside your nose, eyebrows, underarms, and your groin area. Your skin may look red and greasy while covered by yellow scales or white flakes.

Home cures can help a dandruff problem but it takes time to see any relief. The treatment needs to be consistent to have any effect on the problem. Speedier methods of dealing with the problems involve using a commercial shampoo with zinc pyrithione as an ingredient.

Sun exposure is great for dandruff because sunlight has an anti-inflammatory effect on dandruff, acne, and other skin conditions. Dandruff normally is less severe in the summer than winter because of sun exposure. Be sure you are getting plenty of Vitamin B, which is found in cabbage, yeast, and eggs. Avoiding spicy and greasy foods and add more fruit and vegetables to your diet.

Wash your hair regularly, first with hot water, then with cold water to help the circulation in your scalp. Shampooing in rubbing alcohol not only helps get rid of the flakes, but makes the hair feel softer and cleaner. After shampooing, you may want to apply a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water that is allowed to dry on the scalp.

There are a few essential oils that will help with dandruff. Rosemary, olive, and pure coconut oil rubbed on your scalp daily is said to help remove the flaking. Boiling dried thyme in water makes a mixture to massage into your scalp when it is clean. Do not rinse this mixture out. Use four large teaspoons of dried thyme in two cups of water. After boiling for ten minutes, allow cooling, then use.

A favorite treatment is to rub aloe vera leaves into the scalp at bedtime and shampoo out when you wake up. Don’t forget to soak your combs and brushes and other hair accessories in hot water with antiseptic to avoid recurrence of your dandruff. Another home remedy is to combine gingerroot and olive oil and spread it on your scalp five minutes before shampooing.
One rather strange home remedy is the use of the mouthwash Listerine on your scalp because it contains antiseptic ingredients!

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