Knowhow-Now Article

Dizziness Treatment At Home

Dizziness is a feeling of light-headedness, a whirling sensation, or a sense of being unstable. Causes include inner ear infections, dehydration, hunger, medications and high altitude. New glasses, motion, and low blood pressure are other reasons a person would feel dizzy. A person feeling dizzy may feel like they are falling or unbalanced and should not drive or handle heavy equipment.

If you are sitting or lying down when dizziness strikes, rise slowly. Do not try to stand until you are sure you are steady. Serious injury can be caused by trying to walk if you are feeling dizzy. You can have someone place the hand on the top of your head for a minimum of thirty seconds and then slowly lift it. Another old home remedy is to clench a penny tight in your fist for a few minutes.

A wonderful suggestion to help dizziness symptoms is to grind fruit peels of citrus fruits and add to salads, cook on top of meat or chicken or place in yogurt or cereal. Do not use grapefruit peels, they are too strong for the digestive tract.

Garlic, long a favorite for home cures, can be used to treat dizziness too. Slice a small amount of garlic root and boil it in a cup of water. Allow it to cool, strain it, and then drink the cup of water. Garlic may take a little longer than other natural cures but it has proven to be effective.

Lemon juice is helpful in controlling dizziness. It helps relax veins that lead to the brain. Mix lemon juice in water; add a splash of salt, and a pinch of pepper. Stir the mixture and then drink it. If you need to sweeten it, add a little honey to the mixture.

Eating protein products is said to have an effect on dizziness. Eat a handful of nuts, meat, or poultry to ease the symptoms. Cayenne pepper is used in a mixture with one cup of water, 1/8 teaspoon of salt, vinegar, nacho cheese, mustard and black pepper. Mix this and then drink it to cure dizziness symptoms.

Two other natural herbs are worth mentioning when talking about home cures for dizziness. Basil is good for dizzy spells and good for cramps and diarrhea. Place three leaves of basil in a cup of boiled milk and drink it before you go to sleep each night.

Coriander seeds were used regularly years ago to prevent fainting at funerals. The seeds help regulate breathing and prevent dizziness. Coriander seeds and gooseberry powder should be soaked in water overnight. In the morning, strain the mixture, flavor with a bit of sugar or honey and drink it.

If you suffer prolonged bouts of dizziness, please talk to your doctor, as dizziness may be a symptom of a serious medical condition. Again, do not drive or run any machinery if you are feeling dizzy. You may have an ear infection that should be treated to avoid permanent ear damage and hearing loss.

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