Knowhow-Now Article

Social networking gets almost every person in the world connected to each other. No one in the whole world is untouched with it and therefore is connected with other people from every corner of the world. Social networking sites allow people to upload information in their public profile, create list of online friends, and browse the profiles of other users of the social networking sites. Users disclose their identity relevant information through their profiles to others. This information is either referential or attributive and is restrictive by laws and regulations. But when large number of attributive information are aggregated through SNS, its protection is hindered and the users face new kind of safety risks.

These risks may lead to identity theft and many other relevant losses. Since information spreads faster through a social networking sites than through a real life network since the digital information is easy to copy, can be stored indefinitely and is easy to search. The most hampering moment for the user is when his/her information reaches to any unauthorized and unintended person.

The social network privacy risks are very common by creating marketing profiles of the users and by serving them with targeted ads. Everyone knows that usage of these SNS is free of cost and they have to make up for the incurred costs by generating revenues from the identity relevant information of their users. Since SNS and their marketing partners obtain more information from their users which ultimately leads to informational inequalities.

The main disadvantage with the users is that they cannot bargain with the information they provide with the SNS. Therefore, ultimately they demand for the privacy protection. The social network privacy or the most famed Facebook privacy is the utmost demand for every user since they have no control over their own identity relevant information and that is why they are more vulnerable to threats and damage.

It is very essential for the users to have privacy protection which can prevent them from information-based threats. Some of their activities may also cause great harm that includes someone getting specific information such as stealing one’s the social security number to obtain credit. Along with that, regular status updates about your day to day activities or sharing your professional life can also lead to potential risks by unauthentic elements. One can also misuse information from the social networking sites to damage a user’s reputation or steal another person’s identity.

Therefore, to overcome these online social networking threats, some identity management tools are useful for you. These tools can provide you with regular real time alerts on threats and will offer you with the best social network privacy protection. Search on them online to enjoy the benefits of the social networking world safely.

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