Knowhow-Now Article

Fat-Burning and Fat-Storing Hormones Have Their Own Triggers


What's all this talk about hormones? In this article we are going to discuss fat burning and fat storing hormones, and the fact that they each have their own triggers.


There are many men and women that struggle with weight loss. So many were skinny when they were young but when they got older they began to get fat. They just couldn't figure out the reason. Most people say oh well my metabolism is going down or something like that. Weigh loss can be affected by doing certain things most of us are unaware of. Now we'll talk about fat burning hormones and fat storing hormones and how each has its own trigger.


Hormones are what control your metabolism.. Both food and exercise are things that can either block or trigger your hormones to either burn or store fat. Can you imagine being able to find out what you are doing that is hampering your weight loss so that you can change it and get the results that you desire and achieve hormone balance?


One of two things can happen with hormone triggers. Either fat will be burned or fat will be stored. One thing that happens and which is a big problem is that most people are canceling out the effects of fat burning hormones by using the wrong triggers. A good example is that correct exercise would most likely work if you were to get seven hours of quality sleep every night. If you don't get enough sleep then you may be preventing fat burning.


Its easy to say things like "everything in moderation" but this does not always work. One other thing that you may not want to do is drink wine at night. Alcohol is a gland (liver) destroyer and this can really set you back. It may set you back for hours or even days.


When you implement these hormone triggers correctly through the body type diet you are going to find that weight loss will be much easier and much faster as well. If you sit down and think about it for a while you will see how you have been wasting your time counting calories and how much better it would be to do something that really works by using the hormone triggers.




The balancing of hormones through the proper use of hormone triggers in diet and exercise and using a body type diet tailored to your specific body type is a much more effective way to lose weight.


When you implement hormone triggers correctly through the body type diet you are going to find that weight loss will be much easier and much faster as well. To learn about weight loss hormones read about the 7 principles of fat burning at

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