Knowhow-Now Article

There are many reasons why fibre optic broadband has been such a prominent buzzword in many industries over the last few years, and now that many parts of the UK are benefiting from this new technology, it's clear that fibre broadband is here for the long run.

While fibre optic broadband has been embraced by many residential internet users who were tired of slow loading times for websites, slow speeds or failures when downloading large files and lag times when playing online games, it's in the business world that superfast broadband connections are offering the greatest advantages. Companies that employ hundreds of workers connected to the same networks will no longer need to put up with frequent delays and other issues related to slow connections, with fibre optic broadband offering a faster and more stable solution compared to standard copper cable broadband networks.

Many businesses now make use of cloud computing technology, which can refer to any digital storage solution that avoids the need to consume physical server space by hosting data online. Without a reliable broadband connection however, companies could find cloud computing impractical, making this technology imperative for allowing businesses to keep up with the latest developments.

However many people you employ in your business, fibre broadband can be considered a vital upgrade that will safeguard your company against the ever-evolving online world, in which even basic websites are becoming more sophisticated all the time. In just a few years, standard copper broadband connections may be incapable of accessing websites, social networks or even email accounts as these become increasingly complex.

The scalability of fibre optic broadband also makes the technology future-safe and capable of meeting increasing demands as technology continues to progress. With some industry experts predicting holographic web video and other advanced features to become commonplace in the near future, fibre optic broadband is set to become the new standard for home and business users alike.

Fibre optic broadband connections in the UK already exceed 100 Mbps in many cases, with speeds in excess of 300 Mbps being predicted for 2013. Business broadband packages tailor made for companies upgrading to fibre optic broadband offer generous usage allowances, guaranteed minimum speeds even at peak times of the day and the ability to make use of tools and services bundled as part of business broadband packages, which can add value to your company and help you get started online.

Fiona Roy writes for a digital marketing agency. This article has been commissioned by a client of said agency. This article is not designed to promote, but should be considered professional content.

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