Knowhow-Now Article

Find Happiness By Giving Happiness.

Have you ever heard this quote?

“There is a wonderful, mystical law of nature that the three things we crave most in life- happiness, freedom, and peace of mind- are always attained by giving them to someone else.”

Tip: A simple way to begin to enhance the physical well-being aspect of your personal development is walking. One of the simplest ways to start walking more is by parking your vehicle strategically.

It’s so true, isn’t it? I don’t know who it was who first said those wise words (if you do know then please tell me), but I have no doubt they lived a very happy life, because they have discovered one of the secrets to happiness.

In fact, the secret to success in all endeavours is found in this quote. No matter what you desire, give first and you will receive.

Tip: Challenge negative or anxious thoughts as soon as they arise, rather than allowing the idea to become fully planted in your mind. Pick your fears apart: ask whether or not there is factual evidence or precedence that support the idea, the probability that the problem will occur, and the availability of resources available to you should the problem grow.

If you want to receive love, then give love. Not exclusively to one person, but to everyone and everything. Express love to your life, your circumstances, your friends and family, and even the people you pass in the street. If you love all, you will receive love back, and you’ll become the kind of person who attracts that special person, and those special relationships, and a life of blissful love.

If you want to get rich then don’t do it through the dog-eat-dog world of competition and win-lose deals. Give increased value to others. Wallace D. Wattles talks about this in his book Science Of Getting Rich better than anyone else I’ve come across (see the Resources Page on my website to get a free copy). You get rich by providing more in use-value than the cash-value you receive. You get rich through co-operation rather than competition. You get rich through providing win-win deals. You get rich through providing others with the opportunities to improve their own lives. Once again, give and you will receive so much more back.

Tip: A self help tip that will help in just about any situation is to avoid mood food! Keeping a balanced diet is going to be the best way for you to keep a cool and steady head in many situations. If you have an unbalanced diet, you are sure to turn to junk food and fill your body with things that it does not need and it will not help.

The same applies to happiness. If you want to be happy, give happiness.

Turn your focus around. It’s not all about you. Look out into the world and find opportunities to give happiness.

Tip: Loneliness is something that many people battle on a daily basis. One easy tip to help conquer that feeling of loneliness is to learn to enjoy your own company.

James Matthew Barrie said, “Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.”

The great Mark Twain said, “The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up.”

Tip: Know your weaknesses. This is appealing to an employer if you are able to know the things you are not good at and turn that into a positive for the company.

Give happiness and you will get happiness. It’s the only way.

Who can you make happy today?

Tip: A great personal development tip is to always think before uttering a word. When you do this, you avoid saying anything that might slip out by accident.

Who can you go and see, just to hang out together?

Who can you phone to tell them you miss them?

Tip: Use visualization to help you adhere to your goals. Visualize how you will feel when you finally reach your goal.

It doesn’t take much. Smile to someone who is feeling down. Hold a door open for someone behind you. Compliment someone on their clothing. Thank someone for a job well done at work.

Happiness is so easy. Just give it to someone else, and you’ll find more than enough is magically left behind for you.

Tip: Keep your goal in view. Taking steps to make a life change is a lot of hard work and quite often can feel uncomfortable since it is taking you out of your comfort zone.

Give happiness. Be happy. And smile!

Lance Beggs

Copyright Lance Beggs. All Rights Reserved.

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