Knowhow-Now Article

Student life is full of excitement and adventure. It seems like everyone who went to university has at least one crazy story to tell from their wilder student days. However, there is one aspect of the student experience that isn't always fondly remembered and that's the accommodation. Students are known for being less-than-choosy about their living situation, sleeping on floors, stacking dirty dishes in towering heaps and cohabiting with mice. However, student flats in this day and age are not what they once were. When searching for the perfect student flat, remember to be discerning; as it is possible to find a place that's both affordable and liveable.

To begin, one of the most important things to consider when looking for a student flat is the flat's location. Ideally, the flat should be in walking distance of the university's campus, since waiting at the bus stop is the last thing you'll want to do on those cold winter mornings before a lecture. Often, flats are advertised specifically for students and there are specific websites that are dedicated only to student flats. If you're moving to a new city for university, it helps to look at a map of the city and to choose a neighbourhood that is close to where most of your classes will be held.

In addition to the flat's location, it's important to consider who your flatmates will be. If you're looking into a shared flat, it's a good idea to board with other students who keep similar hours to you. Sometimes it helps to know the people you're living with; however, sharing a flat with strangers can also be a good way of meeting new people. Either way, it's important that you are able to get along with the people you live with. When you look at potential flats, have a conversation with the people who are showing you around and determine whether or not you think they'll make good flatmates. If you get a bad vibe from anyone in the flat, continue looking at other places until you meet people that you think you'll fit in with.

Another, more logistical, thing to look for in a flat is the overall quality of the building and its furnishings. For example, you may want to turn on the shower to see if it has decent water pressure. Similarly, check to make sure the couches, chairs, tables, beds and countertops aren't run-down or dirty. You can ask about kitchenware, such as cutlery, plates, bowls and cups, to see whether or not those will be provided. Since students are often only concerned with finding cheap rent, it is all too easy to settle on a sub-par flat. However, it is possible to find an affordable place that isn't a complete dump.

Finally, an essential amenity to look for when flat-hunting is fast, reliable broadband. As a student, you'll appreciate having Internet access at home, rather than having to do all your studying and essay-writing in the university library. Plus, if you're sharing a flat, the costs of splitting wireless broadband will be relatively small. Many students will tell you that having the Internet in their flat is far more important that having a TV.

Fiona Roy writes for a digital marketing agency. This article has been commissioned by a client of said agency. This article is not designed to promote, but should be considered professional content.

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