Knowhow-Now Article

Inspiring loyalty from your employees in Australia is an important part of your leadership in a company. Loyal employees are more willing to work for you, to go further in terms of lead generation and telemarketing goals.

Despite limitations that you and your team might have with the telemarketing list you have, those who believe that you are leading the company in the right direction would still do the job. So you should give your employees what they need – able and reliable leadership. They will, in turn, give you their best work in getting B2B leads. And it is not a business investment. It is a real business necessity.

So, how do you do that?

1. Be honest with them – this (pardon the cliché) will always be the best policy. And this has an impact for those who are looking to improve their business performance. Also, being honest about identifying the people who can become leaders in the future can be an asset for you and your business. This removes assumptions and will put you on a more concrete footing. At least your employees will have a fair idea on who really is supposed to work to get near the top.

2. Be clear on the job description – one reason why employees may hate you as a leader is because you might not be clear on what they are supposed to do. As their leader, you need to communicate to them what they are supposed to do. There is no space for vague instructions or contradictory roles. It does not have to be a very detailed list, you just need to set out clear guidelines. This can help them work better on the business leads they are looking for.

3. Value real people relationships – one way to gain the trust of your workers is to create a workplace where they can interact with each other. It could be a better designed lunch area, open walkways, or maybe other activities that promote interaction. All these can contribute to how you get your people to work together. And this will return to you, since it can equate to having people more comfortable in approaching you with business ideas that might actually work.

4. Stay fair and open to all – this is all about transparency, whether in the work that is being done or the mistakes that was done. It does not mean that you have to treat everyone equally. You just have to show everyone how you do things. But just make sure that you do it right, since messing up the process will only alienate them from you.

5. Show them how to do it – be the role model of what you preach. By setting an example to all, you show that the rules and regulations that you have set down applies to everybody, even to you. Your employees will know then that you, as their boss, are a consistent person, and someone they know who can be relied on as they work on finding sales leads.

In the end, that is what your people in Australia will need from you to inspire loyalty.

Jayden Chu helps companies in Malaysia and in other Asia Pacific countries increase their business revenue through lead generation and appointment setting services. He is a professional consultant for telemarketing services. To find out how you can increase your business revenue, go to

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