Knowhow-Now Article

Flexible Stencil Brush

A stencil is a cartoon, number, letter, illustration, typographical symbol, or any other shape or image in cutout form of oiled or shellacked tough and resistant paper, thin metal, cardboard, other material. An applicator is used to apply the paint into the opening of the stencil. Stencils can be made with one or many color layers using different techniques. The choices available for stenciling range from the traditional stencil brush to stipple brush, to sponges and stencil rollers.
Some applicators relatively work better than others with certain paints, and some even fabricate a particular texture. The stencil brush or applicator is a specialist brush, typically round with a flat head of either very soft or very stiff bristles. These brushes are most commonly used for stenciling and are available in a variety of sizes, from small for miniature, detailed sections of a stencil to outsized ones for painting in larger sections.
The stencil is usually held securely upon the surface, while the stencil brush is manipulated to work the medium over it, until every detail is evenly colored. Prefer using the brush size most appropriate for the stencil you have chosen. This procedure has been employed since archaic times for the decoration of walls and ceilings, pottery, furniture, textiles, leather, and small objects. This technique is also used in mimeographing, addressing, and lettering cases. The Japanese and Chinese draw on a tough mulberry paper, making intricate stencils that are accrued for their exquisiteness.
In general, artists employ one stencil brush for each color used. This is the most efficient and best way to stencil. However, one needs to thoroughly clean and dry a stencil brush before using it with a different color. The key benefit of these brushes over normal paintbrushes is that they diminish the odds of paint seeping under the edge of the stencil because of their stiff bristles. At the end of the day, these brushes need to be thoroughly washed with a brush cleaner or dipped in hot water and dish detergent. The best method of cleaning these brushes is to apply soap directly on the bristles, washing the bristles until the rinse water runs clear.

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