Knowhow-Now Article

The Age Old Art Of Stencil Painting

Stenciling is one of the most enduring art form in history. Though it's experiencing a resurging popularity in recent years, stenciling is, by no means, a newly developed craft. The implements may be new, such as ink sprays and Mylar films cut with precision by lasers, the process itself has been with us since the dawn of early civilization.
Truth be told, excavations have revealed that stenciling has been around since as early as 30,000 BC. From all indications, our ancestors seem to have used a variety of leaves for stencils, and animal blood as well as a mixture of colorful herbs was used ancient ink. The natives of the Fiji islands as well as the Baffin Island Eskimos were the one of the earliest races known to have employed this process.
Stencil painting was also prominently employed at the height of the Roman Empire as well as the Egyptian hierarchy. All signs leading to the Coliseum were painted with stencils during the great games and gladiator events of Rome. Hieroglyphics were made possible by stencils in the tombs of ancient Pharaohs. And not to be left behind by these once glorious civilizations, Greece also used stencils for mosaic designs.
Japanese culture also exhibited wide use of stencil painting when it comes to the traditional kimono. The Chinese, on the other hand, used stencils to decorate porcelains and idols of the Buddha.
Indeed, this type of painting was well preserved in the Asian continent, and was later on brought to the West through the crusades that were launched in the Middle Ages, as well as the expeditions of various adventurers and merchants. In the West, stencils were used to produce playing cards, dominoes, wall covers, book illustrations, clothing designs, furniture decorations, and -believe it or not - film coloring!
Stencil painting is also widely credited to be the forerunner of silkscreen printing. They utilize the same processes, albeit with different means to achieve their ends. Nonetheless, were it not for the inspiration provided by stencil painting, silkscreen would never have been invented.
Indeed, stencils are not a new discovery at all. The process has been with us for many, many centuries now, and it is in fact one of the earliest art forms known to man. The fact that it is still a flourishing craft in this day and age is only testament to the flexible and lasting qualities of the art. There is no doubt that stencils are here to stay.

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