Knowhow-Now Article

Your decision over which type of telephone system to use in your workplace should not be taken lightly or rushed through, as you could soon regret opting for a cheaper or less flexible option as your business grows and you start to run into communication problems.

The size of your business, specifically regarding the number of people who require phone connections, is one of the major factors to consider when choosing a phone system. The most basic options for companies of less than 10 employees are sometimes known as KSU-Less Systems, which offer minimal features and only offer a limited number of connections. For slightly larger companies, Key System Units (KSU) include slightly more features and are an affordable alternative to more high-end options, though these systems may not be so well suited to companies that rely on telephones heavily during the day-to-day running of their business.

The most common type of business phone system used in medium to large sized workplaces is Private Branch Exchange (PBX), which include a wealth of advanced features that can improve the calling experience for everyone involved, as well as enhance the professional image of a company. These systems are also designed to be scalable, and can be modified and extended to incorporate more connections as your company grows without needing to replace the whole system.

A fourth type of business telephone system has emerged in recent years, in the form of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) systems that deliver calls and other data over broadband internet connections, rather than over traditional phone lines. This also makes a number of features possible that simply were not available on more limited phone systems, such as the ability to make video calls, conduct video conferences and make live edits to documents in collaboration with other workers.

Whichever type of business telephone systems you feel works best for your organisation, you should also spend time comparing the tariffs and packages offered by different providers, as there can be significant differences. A good business phone package should include extra features to add value to your business, and looking for options such as freephone 0800 numbers could make it easier to get your new business off the ground.

Checking the level of customer support offered for your business telephone package is also important, as you need to be confident that any problems that arise with the system will be dealt with as swiftly as possible by experienced professionals.

Fiona Roy writes for a digital marketing agency. This article has been commissioned by a client of said agency. This article is not designed to promote, but should be considered professional content.

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