Knowhow-Now Article

Apple’s iPad has captured the collective imagination of today’s youth, and many believe that iPad and similar devices will replace laptops in near future. The popularity of iPad and its rising sales have led to the development of numerous iPad apps. This articles list some of the best iPad apps—apps that you have to have on your iPad!

Apple is known for its tendency to come up with fantastic products, and iPad is one of its latest sensational products. Critics pointed out that iPad was too much like laptops when Apple launched it, but now people are discussing the possibility of iPad replacing laptops. But while iPad is a ground-breaking product, your iPad will come with just a few basic programs. Fortunately, there are millions of apps in the Apple store.

But iPad apps cost more than iPhone apps, and it doesn’t make sense to download a lot of useless apps. The following is a list of what are, in my opinion, the best apps for iPad:

Dropbox: If you have an iPad, you are likely to have a laptop and a PC too. Using Dropbox will save you all the hassle to trying to transfer data from one instrument to another using a pen drive. Once you install Dropbox and configure it, any file you have to your Dropbox account will be automatically saved to your iPhone, iPad, laptop, PC, and also on the Dropbox. Also, you can download Dropbox for free!

PhotoShop Express: This is the best photo app to come out of iPad application development. Adobe’s Photoshop Express is the perfect app for viewing photos and editing photos (you an flip, rotate, straighten and crop the images). Using this app, you can also give different effects to your photo using filter and other devices. While all the features might not be compatible to the iPad, this is a great app for iPad.

1Password: This is the costliest and the most secure app on this list. This is a great site for storing all your passwords and other important information. If you face problems with remember all your usernames and passwords, you can save them on 1Password and rest easy—this is one of the most secure password sites on the internet.

Kindle: If you feel you are spending too much on books and wish to switch eBooks, you can install the Kindle app on your iPad and get access to a huge selection of books. The best part is that if you already have an existing Kindle account, you can get all your books on your iPad simply by logging in on your account through iPad!

iDisplay: This app shows how creative iPad application development can get! This app finds a place on my list not because it is very useful, but because it is simply incredible. After downloading this app you can use your iPad as a side monitor for your computer.

Angry Birds: There is no point in buying an iPad if you are not going to install Angry Birds. No list of top applications is complete without the Angry Birds game. Anytime you feel bored or tired, playing this game will help you!

Amazon Windowshop: For people who do most of their shopping on the internet, or for folks who like to browse Amazon for hours, this is the best app. Using this app you can get a lot better shopping experience: the apps makes it a lot easier for you to find and select the best products with the lowest rates.

About the Author:

Tri-Force is a web development company renowned for its iPad application development and other iPhone application development capability. Tri-Force also lets you hire offshore developers to work on your projects. Contact us at [email protected].

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