Knowhow-Now Article

Are you following a diet and yet it seems that you are not losing weight? Have you engaged yourself in different exercise routines and yet there is no significant weight loss for months? You've lost all hope and you wallow in your sorrow of failure. You've tried everything and you just can't seem to pull through your fat slump. Chances are your mind is not commanding your body properly because of your inhibitions. The thoughts that what if you do not lose weight, (which are negative thoughts) despite your efforts can greatly affect your ideals and goals to lose weight. You'd be surprised how powerful your mind really is, especially the Fit Fem mind!

An optimistic mindset is very important to keep you going on and motivated to do all what it takes towards weight loss. Positive thoughts will make you empowered Fit Femr's ready to perform the necessary actions to help you reach your ideal waistline and achieve the sexy body curvature you always wanted to have. There are many ways in which you can exhibit a positive attitude when everything you do seems to fail you.

Use failures positively. It may be hard to feel optimistic despite the failures you have encountered. However, it will be helpful if you would turn your failures as your motivational tools. If despite performing exercises regularly, you haven't noticed that there is no significant weight loss, then you should be your tipping point to try even harder. The reality is you will probably fail a few times before you actually succeed. Accept this and keep going. Keep on improving and progressing. Instead of feeling depressed and discouraged, tell yourself today is the day you will lose weight!

Remind yourself that weight loss is not an overnight success. Most women fall prey to the thought that losing weight and achieving a sexy body figure can be achieved in just a few days. I'll admit; even yours truly has! Yes, I thought that by starving myself, taking diet pills, and gymin' it for hours and hours at a time, I would wake up the next morning 20lbs less. WRONG! This idea is totally wrong because it takes time for the body to completely excise the fats that have accumulated. Instead, constantly remind yourself that if others had successfully lost weight, why can't you?

Rebuke the negative thoughts of the people around you. This is another essential factor to raise your optimism. It can't be helped that sometimes even your family or friends will have discouraging words about your weight loss goal. They may say things to contradict your dreams of having a healthier body. Frankly I say, SCREW ‘EM!! Instead of cultivating ill feelings towards them, rebuke and bind their negative ideas, saying silently to yourself "I really don't give a sh## what you say and I don't believe what you say". Don't mean to sound harsh here but the only person you should really listen to in this particular case is yourself. It may seem weird and crazy, but you will feel the difference. You will have more drive and passion to achieve mini goals towards your big picture weight loss goals.

Pray, pray, and pray some more! Somehow this notion becomes totally lost in the mix…and I never understood why. You need to have faith in a higher power, regardless of your religious affiliation. Whether it's God, Allah, the Universe, Nature, "the Big Man/Woman Upstairs"… The intervention of God in everything you do is highly central to all the things you do and achieve. The elderly might say that if you make a wish fervently to God through prayers, He will grant them. Ever notice that when you occupy your mind with a particular goal or wish, in time, you have found yourself having achieved that goal or were granted that wish? Unbeknownst to you, prayer took place.  Hence, in your daily prayers, never ever forget to ask God (or however you call onto this higher power) to grant you the waistline, the sexier figure, and the weight loss you are always dreaming of. So what am I sayin'? Get spiritual and have faith you'll achieve the body of your dreams. I'm tellin' ya, it's some powerful stuff.

With these, you can free your mind of the negative thoughts that can hinder yourself from doing the right things associated with your weight loss.

Going to The Fit Fem will give you the answer to this important question how To Burn Calories fast?

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Sylvia Nasser is In Home Personal Trainer and runs many online fitness classes


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