Thefitfem's articles
Fit Fem'rs, I'll admit hereā€¦I am a diehard Jane Fonda fan. What's not to love about her? She's 72 and she's rockin' it. I mean seriously, she started the fitness craze and led the pathway to fitness experts like myself.
09.11.2011 · From thefitfem
Have you ever heard of Dead and Divine's song entitled "Get Down With Your Bad Self?" I haven't either until I came up with this blog title.
09.11.2011 · From thefitfem
Are you following a diet and yet it seems that you are not losing weight? Have you engaged yourself in different exercise routines and yet there is no significant weight loss for months? You've lost all hope and you wallow in your sorrow of failure.
09.11.2011 · From thefitfem
Fit Fem'rs, I've got a question to ask you. Do you read nutrition labels? Do you know how nutrition labels work and how this information can either help or hinder your journey to weight loss and fitness?
09.11.2011 · From thefitfem
Introducing an addition to your Fit Fem Flash Series, your workout under 5 minutes: Hate on Love Han
09.11.2011 · From thefitfem
The Fit Fem Review of the Coconut Diet: There are so many diets out that so many nutritionists, doctors, experts and other people promise to help you lose weight. Some even make diets up to get you to buy from them.
09.11.2011 · From thefitfem
I seriously love avocados. It's creamy delicious and nutritious. They can be eaten on its own as a fruit snack, or be made into a salad, a dip, a soup, a dessert or a tasty addition to a superb dish. Avocados are rich in monosaturated fats, potassium, and fiber and are known to help reduce cholester…
09.11.2011 · From thefitfem
We all know that almonds are commonly eaten raw or toasted but they can also be enjoyed as an addition to desserts, chocolates, sweets and even savory dishes. Yum! They are rich in Vitamin E, dietary fiber, B vitamins and essential minerals. They provide the healthy fats that your body craves for an…
09.11.2011 · From thefitfem
Fit Fem'rs, I am a gigantic fan of high intensity interval training. Once I began incorporating this training method, I literally saw my body transform before my eyes. High intensity interval training workouts has long been a point of interest and discussion for many; the debate still continues whet…
09.11.2011 · From thefitfem
Are you enjoying your Fit Fem Flash Series? Well here's another one that might tickle your fancy. It takes less than 5 minutes and you need nothing else but a mat to get yourself a fantastically hard core with this fitness routine.
09.11.2011 · From thefitfem
Are you finding yourself pinching your hip fat? You know, that pocket of cellulite and fat that just sit there at the edge of your butt and thighs. So many women aspire to have those sexy hips and at the same time improve their fitness.
09.11.2011 · From thefitfem
Check it out. Big and wobbly arms aren't attractive, right? I mean the thought of lifting up your arms and seeing that awful batwing can get a bit upsetting to see. There are plenty of fitness workouts specially designed for women to combat that problem area. There are so many exercises out there th…
09.11.2011 · From thefitfem
I'm going to keep this to the point. We simply pack on the pounds around the holidays and get together. Marking the almost end of summer, we love those barbeques, backyard parties, burgers, hot dogs, appetizer plates, beers, mixed drinks...the list goes on.
09.11.2011 · From thefitfem
Happy Monday Fit Fem'rs! I always like to start the week with some positive mindset chit chat. I can't even begin to describe how it important it is to think positively about yourself. I wanted to show you some tough love to really drive this notion home.
09.11.2011 · From thefitfem
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