Knowhow-Now Article

Green Energy Thinking For A Better World

Big Oil is intent on keeping the world addicted to oil, but it doesn't have to be that way. We have lots of green energy alternatives in the form of the sun, wind and even the steady temperature of the earth. The switch from deadly fossil fuels to clean, green energy is entirely possible. Indeed, it is necessary if we are to survive. The switch to green energy will take a paradigm shift in thinking. Read on to find out how you can do your part.

Whether you are a business owner or an individual, green energy is the smart choice for you. When you decide to make use of a green energy choice instead of continuing to burn fossil fuels, you are making a choice that will reduce the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. CO2 is carbon dioxide, and the excessive amounts of it in our atmosphere today are changing the climate around the world. Worldwide temperatures are climbing causing drought, death and pestilence around the globe. Longstanding bodies of ice are melting causing sea levels to rise. It is imperative that each person make smart green energy choices in everyday life to help reduce CO2.

Tip: Lower heating costs with solar heating systems for your pools or hot tubs. Traditional gas and electricity are not that efficient, but solar-powered water heaters glean the sun's natural energy to maintain even temperatures.

Some smart green energy choices include using bio-fuels. These are fuels made from plant sources. Initially, corn was used to produce ethanol; however, this turned out to be problematic as the use of corn for fuel interferes with the use of corn for food. Now, research is being done regarding using grasses, algae and hemp as alternate bio-fuel sources.

Happily, research has already been conducted, and technologies improve by the day in areas of wind, solar and geothermal energy. Solar panels, small turbines and household sized geothermal units are available for use by individuals and businesses. What's more, local, state and federal grants are available to help individuals and business owners make the switch. When you choose one of these green energy alternatives, you will find that you recoup your initial investment quickly thanks to government assistance, reduced utility bills and even the opportunity to sell your excess energy back to the power grid. All this adds up to make a big difference in your carbon footprint.

Tip: When it is time to upgrade your furnace and air conditioning system, consider switching to a geothermal unit. These very efficient HVAC systems have underground pipes, which circulate refrigerant and water.

Although Big Oil, Gas and Coal would like you to believe that green energy alternatives are inadequate or inefficient, this simply is not true. In other countries that are not under the thumb of these entities, green energy alternatives are making fast progress. People in Germany make good use of solar energy every day, and the majority of their energy is produced by this technology. China is also in the forefront of solar power use, and their architects design solar technology into public buildings, apartment buildings, businesses, transportation services and more as a matter of course. A change in mindset in the United States could open the doors for freedom from addiction to fossil fuels.

While there are many green energy technologies available for use today, one of the biggest obstacles to a nationwide switch to green energy is lack of public awareness. The first and best step toward going green, reducing your carbon footprint and helping preserve our one and only habitable planet is a paradigm shift in thinking. Embrace the possibilities of green energy and help carry our nation to a tipping point that will free us from addiction to fossil fuel.

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